Saturday 31 August 2024

Another Lockdown Era Benefit Is Stripped Away...

It's not just working from home....
A Croydon school’s decision to reverse a policy allowing pupils to wear PE kit to school rather than getting changed before the lesson has drawn the anger of parents and students, who argue “mental health will suffer as a result”.
Parents with children at Woodcote High School believe the school’s decision will disproportionately impact SEND children and those who don’t want to get changed in front of their peers.
One parent, Rebecca Guildford, told the local democracy reporting service (LDRS), the new policy will make students’ differences “blindly obvious,” and could negatively impact their mental health.
The former policy, which stipulated that students get dressed in their PE kits at home rather than in the school changing rooms, was launched during the pandemic due to concerns over social distancing.

And why, if it was popular, and it was, a referendum carried out was overwhelmingly in favour of continuing, is it being reversed now? 

The school’s reason for the update was reportedly due to a continuing trend of children coming in the wrong PE kit, which the school said it could not control under the current policy.

Ah. Lack of 'control'. Is it me, or do schools increasingly want to control the little things because they are totally unable to control the larger things, like school violence? 

1 comment:

  1. Surely they still had to get changed after the lesson? I fail to see the benefit to mental health here
