Monday 5 August 2024

Could The Riots Spell The End Of 'Hope Not Hate'..?

Struggling authorities are convinced they are being driven by 'false information on social media':
Chief constable BJ Harrington, the national lead for public order, told the Guardian a range of criminal offences were being investigated, from those committing violence on the streets, to those alleged to be whipping it up: “We are looking at a whole range of stuff. If we find there are people conspiring to commit violence, we will bring charges. “Social media is playing a large part, we are looking at that,” he said, adding it was being used in the “incitement and encouragement”.
He said: “People in foreign countries are putting out disinformation.
No need to look that far afield, BJ! I wonder when Nick will be nicked?

Couldn't happen to a nicer chap.


  1. So who is lying? Did this happen or didn't it? Also, if it did happen, does anyone know who was responsible beyond their own assumptions?

  2. The rioters looked to me like a whole bunch of disenfranchised former Tory voters. You could tell by the huge numbers of old age pensioners in the mob. Obviously they were stirred up by the loss of their winter fuel payments ...

  3. Sadly the asshat commentator supporting the Hope Not Hate fuckwits is my MP. He's the sort of limp useless cretin you'd expect the Labour party to field as a candidate. Calder Valley is still mostly white (and relatively affluent - lots of LimpDumb voters) so he's not an efnik placeman.

  4. "So who is lying? Did this happen or didn't it?"

    The acid attack? No. Didn't happen.

    "Sadly the asshat commentator supporting the Hope Not Hate fuckwits is my MP. "

    My commiserations!
