Friday 23 August 2024

I Can't Keep Up With Them....

 ...fatal dog maulings, that is. 

Police were last night urgently hunting up to three bulldog-like dogs suspected of mauling their owner’s brother to death. Officers were called to Hereford Close in Rubery, West Mids, in the early hours of Wednesday after receiving reports of dogs on the loose - and an awful smell coming from one garden.
A 33-year-old man, named locally as Niko, was found dead in the back garden of a property, where he had been looking after the dogs for his brother.
Looking after these murder mutts is a risky business, just yesterday we had the awful story of a man whose kind heart led him to a horrible death in the jaws of an XL bully he'd voliunteered to look after, and now this.
West Midlands Police initially said two dogs were seized at the scene and two further dogs may have also been at the address at the time and could now be at large in the area. But in a later statement, Insp Leanne Chapman said there were ‘definitely’ two dogs yet to be found and ‘potentially’ three dogs.
‘They may be together or they may be separated,’ she said, adding that the man in the house had been found with ‘bite injuries’.None of the dogs involved are believed to be a banned breed such as an XL Bully, but are thought to be similar American Bulldog types.

Maybe it's time they were added to the list then. But back to the bad smell. 

Neighbour Charlene Newman, 40, told the Mail she had called the police after smelling a foul stench coming from the garden. She said: ‘It was a really bad smell. Like something rotting and it was coming from the bottom of the hedge in the back garden. I didn’t see a body but then the police came and put up a tent while they recovered it.‘

So just how long had he been dead? 

And when reading this, the place name rang a bell. And here's why. It will be karma if these beasts were responsible for that, won't it, Reader?

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