Thursday 29 August 2024

It 'Sends A Message' All Right...

...the message being 'there can be no consequences whatsoever for this behaviour' even when you're caught:

A teacher who was investigated by police for potentially grooming a young student by buying her clothes and giving her hundreds of pounds has avoided being banned from the profession. A misconduct hearing into Guy Hewett’s actions ruled that details of his actions being published online by the watchdog would be “sufficient” enough and “send a message about his behaviour”.

He's done this despite being warned, doesn't that make him more of a risk? 

It was also revealed Mr Hewett’s actions took place despite him receiving a written warning from the school not to contact any students by email, message or social media.
As a result, Mr Hewett was arrested by police, which led to a disciplinary hearing by the school a month later.

And the police investigation? 

A week later the police concluded its investigation with no further action taken...


Mr Hewett’s health condition is mentioned in the report but redacted due to privacy reasons. It was suggested by the panel whatever this condition was, there was a “clear causal link” between his health and the behaviours demonstrated.

What sort of 'health condition' causes you to behave like this?  


  1. Something like a brain tumour has been found to be responsible for behavioural changes in other cases.

  2. @Matt
    Muder. Google The Weinstein Case. Herbert Weinstein, not Harvey Weinstein.

  3. "Something like a brain tumour has been found to be responsible for behavioural changes in other cases."

    True, but I always wonder just how 'out of the blue' these cases really are.

    "Being a paedophile?"

    That's far more likely!

    "Google The Weinstein Case. Herbert Weinstein, not Harvey Weinstein."

    Such a rare case, though.
