Monday 19 August 2024

One Of Those Immigrant Doctors We Are Told Are Needed.... prop up the NHS:
Dr Gurkirit Kalkat, 58, called the patient in for an appointment at Thames View Medical Centre in Dagenham, Essex, only to throw himself against the door and begin hitting himself in the chest so he could give a false report to the police. The bewildered patient sat in a chair and looked on as Kalkat shouted: 'Stop hitting me, Ow! This is violence, you're attacking me!', before pressing a panic button to call for help.

Whereupon a receptionist who came to his aid promptly claimed that she had witnessed the assault that never was. 

Police officers were called and took the innocent patient home in handcuffs but the investigation was dropped when Kalkat refused to proceed with a prosecution.

Hand on, why wasn't the doctor and receptionist arrested for wasting police time? 

Inquiries revealed that Kalkat wanted the patient, who had drug issues, struck off the books at his surgery as it was due to be rebranded under a merger with another doctor's practice.
He lied to the patient about having terminal blood cancer to encourage him to register with another GP and even paid out more than £40,000 of his own money to fund rehabilitation treatment. Kalkat was unable to explain why he was paying for the patients treatment out of his own pocket.

Good grief! Even if the actual legal system is seemingly OK with this behaviour, the medical profession had no choice but to deal with it: 

At the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service in Manchester Kalkat of Loughton, Essex was suspended from medical practice for 12 months after he was found guilty of serious professional misconduct. He denied wrongdoing.

That's all? His license should be revoked at the very least!  

Kalkat declined to attend the MPTS hearing and instead filed written submissions via a lawyer claiming it was not 'safe' enough to appear in person due to Patient A's 'volatile' behaviour. The receptionist who was alleged to have witnessed the incident was said to have been 'unavailable or unable' to make a formal statement.

How is neither of them in the dock of a real court? 


  1. Wasting Police time - up to 6 months imprisonment and a fine.
    Attempting to Pervert the Course of Justice - maximum penalty of life imprisonment.
    As the doctor may be of the religion of prace, and therefore a protected species, it can be understood why the Police, or CPS, did not take this further (not certain about the receptionist).
    The Hippocratic oath states, "First, do no harm". In breaking this, Hippocrat becomes Hypocrite.
    No one, including the victim, comes out of this very well.

  2. That's a rhetorical question, right? #TwoTierKier #2TK

  3. Have a look at the tribunal service website hearing results section, it's a bit of an eye opener.

  4. "No one, including the victim, comes out of this very well."

    Quite! And that seems to be the case for so many reports these days, doesn't it?

    "That's a rhetorical question, right? #TwoTierKier #2TK"

    Indeed so.

    "Have a look at the tribunal service website hearing results section, it's a bit of an eye opener."

    Yikes! You're not wrong!
