Saturday 24 August 2024

They Never Learn...

Chavs who love dangerous dogs, I mean...

Wright told police after he got back to the house: 'It was utter carnage.' Megan Horner, prosecuting, said: 'There had been concerns because of the number of dogs at the property although he claimed they were not aggressive.
'There was also a treadmill in the front room and Mr Wright said he used that when he could not be bothered to walk the dogs.
'It was clear in the main that the dogs were well looked after and in relatively good condition but there were concerns some of them did not have ready access to water.
'It was clear these three dogs that died had suffered and their needs were not being met. With that amount of dogs there should have been extra resources and extra space.
'There had been a deliberate disregard for their welfare and this offence is only aggravated by his previous conviction.'
He was banned from owning dogs for five years back in 2014. It clearly wasn't enough, as he then amassed 23 of the damn things as soon as that restriction was up. One wonders how he could afford so many...
It was discovered earlier this year that Wright has been helping re-home banned XL bullies in Scotland after the animals were banned in England unless owners were given an exemption. He was pictured posing with heavily-muscled XL bully- type breeds with names like Godzilla, Konvict and King Slayer.

Ah! One hope HMRC are wagging their tails and straining at the leash to get at his tax returns. 

Judge Daniel Prowse sentenced Wright to eight months on each cruelty charge to run concurrently but suspended the sentence for 15 months. But he warned him he would decided at a later date whether to grant a prosecution request that he be banned from keeping dogs and cats.

What does it take to get a lifetime ban? 


  1. "What does it take to get a lifetime ban?"
    Tell the idiot on the bench that your dogs are muslims: you can't be cruel to them.

  2. Our judiciary are muzzled, even though they are toothless.
