Saturday 10 August 2024

Yes, I’m Sure It’s Concern For The Police Resourcing That’s Driving This...

...and not at all your fears that another of your low IQ councillors will shoot their mouth off on camera, go viral and have to be suspended and charged by the CPS.

Addressing Jones in court, deputy senior district judge Tan Ikram said: 'It is alleged that using a microphone you addressed a crowd at an anti-fascist protest.
'Talking about others you described as "disgusting Nazi fascists", you said "we need to cut their throats and get rid of them".
'The Crown says that those words were capable of encouraging others to commit acts of serious violence, and further that you believed that your words would encourage violence against others.'
No fast-track justice for him, though, since he didn't enter a plea.
Ahead of the councillor's appearance in court, Jaswant Narwal, chief crown prosecutor for north London, reminded the public not to prejudice court proceedings.
Ms Narwal added: 'We remind all concerned that criminal proceedings are active and that he has the right to a fair trial.
'It is extremely important that there should be no reporting, commentary or sharing of information online which could in any way prejudice these proceedings.'

No word on what, if anything, is being done to trace the women cheering him on, including the one in the Amnesty International tabard. Or the one who turned out to be yet another Left wing rabble rouser.   


  1. "yet another Left wing rabble rouser"
    Don't you mean an accomplished and approved information provider ?

  2. By suggesting that the throats of "disgusting Nazi scum" be cut, doesn't that make this Labour loony a disgusting Nazi scum, or is that different from rabid Left Wing scum?
    When the prosecutor more or less defends these actions, doesn't this show another example of the two tier justice system? Despite absolute evidence the offence was committed, any possible sentencing will be some time in the future, when these events have more or less been forgotten. Also, what's happening to the two Muslims who attacked Police officers at Manchester airport?
    Watch out for the list of North Western Community Awards. I would suggest their names will be on it.
    Pte Frazer really could see the future.

  3. This is the long walk to state censorship by a left-wing party who have kept their powder dry for 14 years. Criticism of Islam is the first step.

  4. "Don't you mean an accomplished and approved information provider ?"


    "...or is that different from rabid Left Wing scum?"

    Yes, it appears this sort don't attract the 'swift justice' the Starmbanfuhrer promised for everyone else.

    "Criticism of Islam is the first step."

    And of the state, too, it seems.
