Tuesday 17 September 2024

"I can't believe this happened. You’re walking home on a normal day and then your life changes.”"

Yes, sadly, because it seems in this country, we value someone's right to own a fighting breed dog above the rights of others to walk the streets safely with their own, normal dogs.

A spokesperson for Merseyside Police said: "We are investigating after a man reported he was bitten by a loose dog in Liverpool yesterday, Wednesday 11 September. At about 2.40pm the man, who is in his 30s, was walking his dog along Belvidere Road when another dog attacked his dog. When the man tried to intervene he was bitten on the arm and hand.

A rather bland statement that in no way reflects the savagery of the attack and harm done, as usual. 

"The man attended hospital for treatment for his injuries and the injured dog was taken to the vets to be checked over. Officers arrived and seized the offending dog, believed to be an exempt pitbull, which was reported to have escaped from the garden of a property in Toxteth. Enquiries into the incident remain ongoing. If you have information on the incident, contact us via @MerPolCC on X, call 101 with reference 24000774880 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111."
What more 'enquiries' do you need? If you know it's an exempt pitbull (how bloody old is this thing?) you know you can apply to destroy it and charge the owner now. Why haven't you done that?

H/T: Sam Browfan via Twitter

1 comment:

  1. I hope that the offending beast, the dog, isn't rehomed. You can take the dog out of Toxteth but you can't take Toxteth out of the dog.
