Sunday 15 September 2024

Labour's Prison Release Scheme, Skewered!

Always knocking it out of the park, that Matt...


  1. One of these vermin sexually assaulted a woman within an hour of being released early . I’d love the victim to sue the government for failing to keep her safe . That would make this disgraceful practice stop

  2. I agree Jaded, especially as the early release of prisoners was a blatant political act.
    The first rule of a government is to keep it's citizens safe, and the policies used by Starmer shows that this government has failed to do this. To be honest, it's as if this was all planned by the numpty controlling Starmer.

  3. As always, I incline to the Singaporean solution. If they commit a crime, flog 'em. If they keep it up, hang 'em.

  4. Instead of blaming 'the Tories' for not making enough prison capacity why not blame Labour for sending too many to prison? It's more about perspective and spin.

  5. Slightly off topic, Huw Edwards gets 6 months, suspended, for seeking out, and collecting, vile images of children, while someone gets time inside for forwarding hurty words, or shouting at a Police dog. Welcome to English justice.
