Councillors are set to discuss adopting a revised version of the Trans Inclusion Schools Toolkit.
Wait, the what?!
The toolkit, designed to help staff and governors in Brighton and Hove's schools and colleges create inclusive policies for trans children, will be considered at the Brighton and Hove City Council cabinet meeting on January 23.
'Trans children' don't exist any more than vegan cats do....
This will be the fifth version of the toolkit, which has been regularly updated since its first release in 2013 to reflect changing legislation.
Changing legislation desperately trying to snuff out this nonsense, I hope.
The consultation on the review of the toolkit included an online consultation, engagement sessions involving local schools to gain the views of young people, and a number of focus groups.The feedback received covered a range of opinions, with the majority either in support of the toolkit or feeling it should go further to promote and safeguard the rights of trans and non-binary children.
Well, it IS Brighton and Hove...
Respondents from outside the city were more negative about the toolkit.
"an online consultation, engagement sessions involving local schools to gain the views of young people, and a number of focus groups."
ReplyDeleteThere we have the giveaways: a council consultation always means that the decisions have already been made. Focus groups? They so often consist of shouty self-obsessed nutters. As you have mentioned, it IS Brighton and Hove . . .
Exactly! Expecting anything else is hopeless.
DeleteJannie. Ambrose Bierce figured this out before 1911 and included it in his Devil's Dictionary.
ReplyDeleteCONSULT, v.i.To seek another's disapproval of a course already decided on.
Again, spot on!
DeleteBrighton and Hove aka Islington in exile aka Fuckwit-on-sea twinned with Gaza. I expect no more nor less from the capital of hypocrisy, lunacy and leftist tosspottery.
ReplyDeleteNot for nothing have I got a blogtag of 'Brighton train wreck'.