Friday, 28 February 2025

What More Do We Need To See A Cull Is Necessary?

I leave it to you, Reader, to decide if I mean just the mutts, or the owners too!

Here we go again, barely a handful of days since the last attack...

A 19-year-old woman was savaged to death by an XL Bully while staying at her cousin's flat in Bristol.
Emergency services were called to the first floor flat where the dog pounced on the young woman killing her within seconds. Her cousin, named locally as Kelcie Jones, was seen covered in blood outside the flat.By that time police had stunned the XL Bully and taken it to a vet where it was put down.

I guess they decided not to waste the 19 bullets it might have taken to bring the thing down... 

Neighbours said they saw Ms Jones dressed in pyjamas and a white dressing gown screaming: 'They killed my dog, they killed my dog.'

The dog that had mauled her cousin to death. Do we need any more reminders of the mindset of the people that desire to own this misbegotten breed? 

Hotel worker Nicola Harrison, 58, who lives in the street, said: 'The woman was covered in blood, it was all down her legs. She was going on about her dog.
'I didn't realise someone had been killed. There was constant screaming until 10.30. It was terrible. 'It's a scream I will not forget - she was sat on my steps screaming. One of the neighbours took her in. I can still hear her screams.
'I just thought a dog had been attacked. I was wondering why there were all these police here. Then I found out a girl had died.'
Ms Jones and her partner moved into the top floor flat in Cobhorn Drive, Hartcliffe, only three weeks ago. She told neighbours she 'had papers' for the large grey adult XL Bully which was not seen muzzled.

Perhaps this thick chav couldn't read those papers - if in fact they existed - to understand the requirements of keeping one of these things? Not that some of her neighbours seem much brighter:

'I feel for Kelcie so much, it wasn't her fault and also it was her pet. I just feel it was one of those freak accidents. 'She would bring it out every day and take it into the garden. It would go to the toilet and then she'd take it back in. 'I'm still trying to process what's happened. I'm shocked, I can't believe what's happened. I've been up all night.'

Why is anyone professing shock when these things do as years of breeding an genetics have equipped them to do? 

Police were at the property all night and at one point a man and his dog turned up to accuse them of animal cruelty shouting 'it's a disgrace'. He was warned he would be arrested if he continued his protest.

Another one more concerned about the killer mutt than the human life it's taken. If only Sunak had grown a pair and ordered a full ban, not a weak licensing scheme these people ignore like they ignore all the other things that make living in a society with other people safe. 

H/T: Sam Browfan via Twitter.

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