Monday 28 September 2009

Ah, But I Bet She Ticked The Right Boxes For The Diversity Targets!

At Croydon Crown Court on Friday, mother-of-two Ali, of Merton, south London, was jailed for five years after pleading guilty to 12 charges of misconduct as a public officer, and asking for 37 offences to be taken into consideration.
Ah, well. Who could have suspected?
Shahnaz Ahmed, prosecuting, said Ali, whose children go to a private school, worked as an executive officer at the immigration unit in Croydon, Surrey, and was elevated to higher executive.
She was promoted during the course of her deception? Boy, I bet her manager feels silly now...
"She was able to grant leave to stay by falsifying records, using random computer numbers and manipulating false applications from asylum seekers."

Those she helped were mainly Pakistanis, Indians, Sri Lankans and Afghans. Suspicious investigators, who spent two months full-time on their searches, have only been able to trace five of them.
Can we send her back in their place?
When interviewed in July last year, Pakistan-born Ali, wife of an £80,000-a-year finance director, said:" I just wanted them to earn some money."
Well, I hear Baroness Scotland has a vacancy.

The defence was, well, interesting:
Joan Mitchell, defending, said:"She is highly regarded in the community, and always ready to help others. They were people who had families and wanted to earn money. Being an intelligent woman, she would have realised the risks she was running."
What risk? Five years - presumably automatically cut to half - then time off for good behaviour. She'll be out in, what, two?

And she can bathe in the admiration of the 'community'...


  1. I bet she would have liked her defence to be that the Ummah knows no borders.
    But her brief didn't think the jury were that far gone yet, but give it a few more years.

  2. If she's a migrant she should have her citizenship revoked and sent to whatever country she came from.

    I wonder if she'll have her job reinstated when she's released...

    Seems like par for the course now for civil servants.. I'm actually surprised she's even going to prison.

  3. If only we could take the narrow view and see more winners.

    MP's and police officers will throw their hands in the air at the temporary loss of such a clever talent for falsifying accounts, generating random computer records and manipulating false applications.

  4. "Well, I hear Baroness Scotland has a vacancy."

    Julia, that's brilliant.

    I hope I never get on the wrong side of you.

  5. 'If she's a migrant she should have her citizenship revoked and sent to whatever country she came from.'
    Sadly Sue, the idea that governments should police borders, and take care before bestowing citizenship on resident foreigners, is so early twentieth century.
    Still, on the sporting front, my bookie tells me Aliya Ali is now neck and neck with Baroness Scotland in the running of this years Alesha Dixon 'Twofer' Memorial Gold Cup. Only overpromoted 'women of colour ' can compete for this, so don't confuse it with the Trevor Phillips Victimhood Poker Stakes at the same meeting, which is open to mares, geldings and stallions alike (last years winner- Lee Jasper).

  6. Apologies for a brief excursion Julia:

    You couldn't make it up could you - not a name like Sergeant Delroy (the Hitman) Smellie, surely not?

  7. "But her brief didn't think the jury were that far gone yet, but give it a few more years."

    Now, there's a depressing thought!

    "Seems like par for the course now for civil servants.. I'm actually surprised she's even going to prison."

    Me too.

    "MP's and police officers will throw their hands in the air at the temporary loss of such a clever talent for falsifying accounts, generating random computer records and manipulating false applications."

    I expect Alastair Campbell will be taking a close look at the options for offering 'work experience' to crims in future.

    "I hope I never get on the wrong side of you."

    Never fear! :D

  8. "You couldn't make it up could you - not a name like Sergeant Delroy (the Hitman) Smellie, surely not?"

    Oh, my..!

    The teasing he must have had in the break room....

  9. After a particularly cruel christening, I have a whiff of the second reason for the removal of his identification numbers.

  10. She should be deported after her sentence and never allowed back into this country. Her husband should also be made to foot a large portion of the the prison bill. This is a practise that should be immplemented to stop taxpayers footing the enormous cost of incarceration. This should especially be the case with immigrants who abuse the benefits of our free society and commit crime.

  11. "She is highly regarded in the community, and always ready to help others."

    Yes, villains!! For fuck's sake!

  12. .. I bet she ticked the right boxes for the diversity targets..
    she did and that is probably as far as the employer looked.

  13. "she did and that is probably as far as the employer looked."

    I wonder how many more cases like this lurk undiscovered?
