Monday 28 September 2009

First They Came For The Dogs…

All dogs children in Britain will be fitted with microchips which contain their owner’s parent’s details, under cross party plans designed to track family pets children.

Owners Parents will be forced to install the microchip containing a barcode that can store their pet's child’s name, breed description, age and health along with their own address and phone number.

The barcode's details would then be stored on a national database which local councils could access in a bid to easily identify an owner’s pet a parent’s child.
Come on, you just know it’s going to be next, don’t you..?


  1. I know this isn't the point of the post, but how can the chip store details of the dog's health? Surely that can change over time? Unless this is the prototype for linking it to the NHS spine...

  2. I'm assuming that means that the national database will link in to vet records (have they told the vets?).

    So, yes, that would indeed make it a doggy 'Spine' in the making.

    In future, if your GP asks you when you were neutered, just make sure he hasn't got his databases crossed.. ;)

  3. We are the Nu-Laborg. Lower your standards and surrender your freedom. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.

  4. They won't need the microchips. Labour is already grooming our children to accept fingerprinting and ID cards as normal human behaviour...

  5. At the moment the only 2 things a pet m'chip can do are give you are A) a unique number then the vet/rescue ring the database and they give you the dogs owners.
    B) A biotherm chip also reads the animals body temperature so a vet doesn't need to use a thermometer on the animal. No one l know uses a chip to take a temperature. It never agrees with the thermometer.

    It does A) assuming that the owner did actually register it. Some vets expect owners to send in the paperwork. To my mind lazy as to many times they don't do it. And if the owner moved address or gave the dog away or changed phone numbers they bothered to change the pet details.
    Best one was last year l scanned a dog it had been brought over from Korea and was still registered there. Needless to say yet another dog never got reunited.

    Nope no way of getting vet records unless it is logged as to call the animals vet and details given who it is and number and someone there is on premises. They can tell us the animals history if it was needed.
    An owner would be more useful if it needs a vet it is usually the one sorting out the present car injuries, dogbite injuries or whatever befell the animal and a history isn't much use for that!

    Having said all that l am a strong pusher of animal microchips because a lot do get reunited that wouldn't.

  6. It looks like a dummy run for the real thing.

    I've got two dogs and I don't want this.

    "If an owner failed to insert a chip, at an estimated cost of about £10, they could be fined or face the possibility of having their pet taken away."

    Can you imagine coming away from the vets only £10 lighter? And so they can confiscate your beloved pets for not complying with their latest stunt.

    I suppose this will also train us to either accept vaccinations or be taken away under the Mental Health Act and forcibly injected.

    It's getting a bit gruesome. Think I'll check eBay for weapons!

  7. ... for protecting myself, my property and my dogs.

  8. How I'd like to mock you, tell you that you're wrong.


  9. Want an example of a UK-wide healthcare system with no waiting lists, access to the latest technologies and pharmaceuticals, and a flourishing private insurance market? Yup, veterinary medicine is where the NHS ought to be. So of course the state wants in, so they can break it.

    The state used to be minimally 'in'. The old Min of Ag was mainly concerned with stamping out TB and brucellosis and foot and mouth. Now we have the grotesque hydra that is DEFRA (or defra, as they would have it; I defy anyone to visit its website (!) and not be filled with murderous rage merely on sight of the logo.) I try to refrain from using the coarser sort of Anglo-Saxon epithets on Julia's site out of respect for the fact that she does not use them - quote them verbatim as she may - but this bunch of unregenerate malefactors tries that policy to breaking point.

  10. "A biotherm chip also reads the animals body temperature so a vet doesn't need to use a thermometer on the animal."

    Ooh, I wasn't offered one of those when I had thecats chipped! Must be new...

    "Nope no way of getting vet records unless it is logged as to call the animals vet and details given who it is and number and someone there is on premises."

    I wonder if they've thought of that? Bet they have...

    "Want an example of a UK-wide healthcare system with no waiting lists, access to the latest technologies and pharmaceuticals, and a flourishing private insurance market? Yup, veterinary medicine is where the NHS ought to be. So of course the state wants in, so they can break it."

    Naturally! Can't have something working normally without the dead hand of the State on the tiller, can we?

  11. Follow the money.

    I recall that at the time of the Dunblane shootings, there was a fellow who had developed a microchip, who wanted us shooters chipped so that if we walked past a school, armed officers would be summoned automatically.

    I cannot recall the name, but he pops up on the BBC every time there is a chance to push his product. I think the last time was when a child had gone missing.

    Looks like the creep is now well in with the Stasi.

  12. Vetnurse, good points but not very easy to read. I bet you got an "A" in GCSE English, some time in the last ten years.

    And Julia, yes, they will apply the same principles to children soon. Who's going to stop them?

  13. Weekend l am in love. That you should think l was so young :-*
    Nope never sat exams except nursing in this country and when l grew up gcse was not even a twinkle in an idiot politicians eye in any country, but you are still sweet for thinking l am so young.
