Thursday 17 September 2009

Hey, That's Our Cushy Jobs On The Line!

Millions of children could die because cash for food aid is diverted to tackle climate change, Oxfam has warned.
Is this the Oxfam that’s been banging on about climate change for the last few years?

Why, it seems it is. Yet now when they find out it might affect their other cosy sinecures, and thereby result in less employment opportunities and UN-sponsored dinner-dances, they are screaming even harder:
Next week world leaders will meet at a UN Summit in New York to discuss where the money will come from and how much should be put aside.

However aid agencies are becoming increasingly concerned that the money will be diverted from existing funds to help countries deal with poverty, child malnutrition, Aids and other issues.
Well, what do they expect will happen? That countries should just pony up the money for this in addition to the money already spent on…

Oh. It seems that’s exactly what they expect:
Oxfam believe that £30 billion should be made available every year for climate change adaptation in addition to the 0.7 per cent of national income rich countries have already pledged as aid.
Oxfam are welcome to their beliefs. They aren't welcome to my money to fund them.


  1. They can have my money when they pry it from my cold dead fingers. Charity begins at home and international charities can simply go to hell in a handcart.

  2. Might help if African and other tyrants and their lackeys weaned themselves off their addiction to Mercedes and gold-plated toilet seats.

    Your 'development aid' in action.

    dr cromarty

  3. "other tyrants "

    What like our own?

  4. We need to go back to the old idea of "charity". These countries seem to think it´s their right to have our money thrown at them whenever they please.

    Back to shaking tins in the high street and charity shops, Get rid of the ridiculous amounts that governments steal from their taxpayers to send to them.

    The despotic leaders and their armies only end up getting it anyhow.

  5. You mean THIS Oxfam;

    Whilst at the same time said India were buying a complete space programme?

    And the same scu,m that are setting up cheap book shopüs, so putting the last of the indipendent book sellers out of bussiness, not only in Britain, but in Germany as well?

    Fuck OFF Oxfam!

  6. Oops.

    Oxfam were hoping for 'aid' money (primarily to help themselves, but also to fund vital Indian research into space travel etc) and then 'climate change' money on top.

  7. "Charity begins at home and international charities can simply go to hell in a handcart."


    ""other tyrants "

    What like our own?"

    Heh, good point!

    "The despotic leaders and their armies only end up getting it anyhow."


    "Whilst at the same time said India were buying a complete space programme?"

    As Mark says, that's a big 'Whoops!' right there...

  8. And then there are the fake charities to contend with.
