Thursday 17 September 2009

"We can do anything we like and you can't do anything about it."

And the little scum weren't wrong, were they?
During one incident Fiona Pilkington's son Anthony was put at knifepoint into a shed, the inquest heard. But despite dozens of calls to the police and Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council, little was done to help the family.

Mrs Cassell said that at one point the council imposed a 300-yard exclusion zone for the youths around the family's house but that had failed to enforce it.

She said her daughter contacted the council four or five times and phoned police at least 10 times a year demanding help.

She said the school holidays and the weekends were the worst and her daughter constantly had the curtains in her front room closed.

Mrs Cassell added: 'On the day that they died, Fiona rang up the police and told them about the children who were walking on their hedge and she was told to just ignore them.
Will 'lessons be learned', do you suppose?

I doubt it:
The inquest heard that families in Barden Road were still being abused, despite the deaths of Ms Pilkington and her daughter.
I don't know how some people sleep at night...

Update: Meanwhile, although poor Ms Pilkington's cries for help were met with callous indifference, the Surrey Police Celebrity Chav Squad have fallen all over themselves to contact an attention seeking D-cup sleb over an alleged incident she's sworn never to speak about:
Surrey Police have arranged for a full interview with the glamour girl about the allegations in the near future.
Perhaps what Ms Pilkington needed was an agent..?


  1. Remind me again of Labours' achievements.

  2. OK - that does it for me.

    It is disgusting that the Greater Manchester Police and CPS can find at minimum half a million pounds to indulge their Columbine fantasies against a pair of teenage scribblers.

    Yet the Leicestershire police were failing utterly to prevent a family with two disabled children being terrorised - at least one of them in a sexually abusive fashion. They had the money to do it; they just preferred to fritter it on pointless initiatives.

    It's bad enough that the basic decency of people was missing in this damnable Lord of the Flies housing estate. The place would benefit from being bulldozed if it couldn't even summon the energy to protect two of its weakest inhabitants.

    That the police and council did nothing - nothing - makes them complicit in this abomination.

    I will not sleep tonight. A grovelling politician's doxy of an Attorney General, and idiot head of the CPS, a pointless and ineffectual Chief Police Officer, a poxy council chief who is unable to protect a child - as they are paid handsomly to do - a child who would have been better off being abused by her mother, because in that case she might concievably have been removed to a place of safety.

    Except, of course, she did end up being murdered by her own mother in order to protect her. This hasn't been seen since mothers killed their children rather than let them be lab rats for Dr Mengele.

    Shakespeare couldn't write this. He would regard it as too filthy for the audience to believe.

    This country makes me vomit.

  3. "Yet the Leicestershire police were failing utterly to prevent a family with two disabled children being terrorised.."

    It's odd, isn't it? They ticked every single 'vulnerable' box that exists, and yet...nothing.

    They are apparently still doing nothing for all the other families on that estate.

    What gives? If this were some council estate in Sicily, I'd suspect the families of these little darlings were 'connected'...

  4. They may not be 'connected' but they certainly are untouchable.

  5. Two words Madeleine McCann

    That's where they think the monies well spent.


  6. It's odd, isn't it? They ticked every single 'vulnerable' box that exists, and yet...nothing.

    Not quite. They were caucasian/indigenous, ergo, the most important box of all, the one which trumps every other was not ticked. So they were expendable.

    Shame the mother wasn't a lesbian. You'd have had Peter Tatchell, Annie Lennox and Elton John laying wreaths and Gordon Brown expressing his deepest condolences.

    dr cromarty

  7. 'Perhaps she needed an agent?'
    Or, methinks, a D-cup!

  8. The worst thing about it is that despite two deaths the cunts are still at it and still nothing is being done. Perhaps there's a genuine lack of evidence, though since they often manage to find enough evidence in other cases where you wouldn't expect there to be much I wonder how hard they've looked. For example, doesn't urine have DNA in it? That's without even suggesting expending the manpower on having a few coppers watch the fucking place. In an ideal world homeowners should be at liberty to defend their property and themselves and would be able to ring the police to say "There was another one at it. You'll find blood evidence from him all over and the bastard will probably be in hospital for a few days once the ambulance boys get him there. Should be an easy one for you." Sadly in the UK today they'd make it even easier on themselves by nicking the one making such a phone call.

  9. I eagerly await some senior copper putting an onion under his nose and declaiming on what a tragedy it was.

    These were the most vulnerable people in our society, the very people the police and other state organisations are expressely there to protect - and they did absolutely nothing. Nothing.

    Their callousness and indifference is unbelievable.

  10. "In an ideal world homeowners should be at liberty to defend their property and themselves..."

    That's what used to happen, until we ceded that responsibility over to the police.

    If they aren't doing it, well...

    "I eagerly await some senior copper putting an onion under his nose and declaiming on what a tragedy it was."

    I think they'll wait a while. They don't dare do anything else:

    "Coroner Olivia Davison heard police considered her to be "over-reacting" and did not respond to many complaints.

    Chris Tew, former Assistant Chief Constable of Leicester Police, admitted many of Ms Pilkington's calls to police were not linked and were regarded as anti-social behaviour. On some occasions the reports were not passed on to the street's beat officer.

    He said: "There's no damage or assault and it doesn't pass the threshold for a crime. "

    Is she overreacting now, Chris?

    Oh. Right. She's dead, isn't she...

  11. It's an accursed county. That's the only explanation I can come up with.

    A sniper armed with an air-rifle shot three children, all younger than five, as they enjoyed a birthday party in a Leicestershire garden.

    The gunman shot the youngsters over a two-and-a-half hour period as they played on a trampoline in a Melton garden. Two youths and an air rifle were found on the embankment and extra police had to be drafted in to protect them from an angry crowd of neighbours.

    For purely practial reasons, JuliaM, I won't support you on the issue of the death penalty. However, put me down as 'maybe' for the reintroduction of flogging.

    I'm no longer as sure as I once was that Sharia has nothing to teach us.
