Thursday 24 September 2009

I Guess It's Not Just Councils, Then..?

Following on from this story, yet another twist in the dinner lady saga shows it isn't just councils that have problems with the words 'fair and independent system':
One of the bullies at the centre of a row over a sacked dinner lady is the son of a school governor.
Parents have questioned whether Mrs Hill's sacking was influenced by the fact that a governor, who did not take part in disciplinary hearings, is mother of one of the four boys accused of tying Chloe's wrists and ankles with the skipping rope.
So, in the public sector, it's not what you know that determines your fate in the various disciplinary systems, but who you know?

And in case anyone felt inclined to say 'Oh, give it a rest, she can always get another job':
She has since been banned from a voluntary post in the Beaver Scouts and a local youth group because of the decision, The Times reported.
Nice country. Stalin had one just like it...


  1. Probably her ban from the Beavers was necessary because now she won't pass Extreme Vetting, or whatever it is they call it now.

    She'll be lucky if she's still allowed to look after her own grandchildren.

    They really can ruin you if you step out of line or challenge their hegemony, can't they?

  2. The frightening thing is that in the old Soviet block you could try and make a break for it into the West. You could try and flee to Hong Kong or Taiwan if you were locked into PRC, even NKoreans might fly into SKorea for a barrell full of gold.

    Which mad phekkers would want to flee to this place now??

    Only criminals!

  3. "They really can ruin you if you step out of line or challenge their hegemony, can't they?"

    Yup. That's the frightening thing about it. We fought a war against this, yet have now had it infiltrate all our institutions..

    "The frightening thing is that in the old Soviet block you could try and make a break for it into the West."

    Where do we go? Well, some have already emigrated. I can't blame them..

  4. "So, in the public sector, it's not what you know that determines your fate in the various disciplinary systems, but who you know?"

    © Baroness Scotland
