Thursday 24 September 2009

Today's 'WTF?!?' Story...

South Yorkshire Police apparently have enough time on their hands to wander the streets, peeking in car windows and, if there are any items on display, doing this:
If any items are on show, the officer will record it, along with the car registration number, to help identify the car owner. Using the DVLA’s MOT database, they will then be able to find out who are the car’s insurers.

The forms will then be sent out to insurance companies – which will either lead to people’s premiums rocketing or their policies being cancelled.
I'm speechless...


  1. There is a sort of nasty logic in this.

    the Police cannot catch or when they do the CPS and the Judiciary will not punish offenders. So per this government agenga you 'criminalise' the innocent and make it their fault if a car is broken into and not the scrotes. People will stop leaving things in cars and 'hey presto' no more car crime. Nothing about the fact that it's actually wrong to break into cars, you're just encouraging them expecting people to have a moral sense.

    much like the old rape adage of 'she was asking for it' .
    this will become the new rallying cry from the Police, courts and government.
    Got smashed in the face? Well you know the streets aren't safe. why did you go out? you were asking for it to happen.

  2. And the Lib Dems want 10,000 more police on the streets! 10,000 more coppers doing things like this, trying to arrest people for having a camera, generally harassing people and nicking others for the most trivial of reasons just so they can reach their targets.

    I want fewer police on the streets until someone gets hold of them and explains what their job actually is.

  3. Julia.
    "I'm speechless..."
    I'm not.

    PC: snap. My thought exactly.

  4. I recently assessed our Northern chief constables as cabbages. Today I find myself apologising to the latter.

  5. There's obviously not enough crime in the area to keep them busy!

    They really have become scummy under this government. I used to respect the Police and they used to have more dignity than to do something so underhand and snidey!

  6. I'm not sure if this is better or worse than the actions of police in other areas?

    Neither course of action is acceptable.


  8. Why would anyone want to break in and steal my collection of grotty tissues, broken sunglasses, out-of-date roadmaps and pay'n'display tickets, which aren't likely to come in useful, although they do sometimes say on the back: "£5 off when you visit the optician".

    Alternatively, if they DO break in and steal that lot, they should definitely take advantage of the special offer.

  9. Followed shortly thereafter by a fine or seizure of your vehicle for being uninsured.

  10. "Nothing about the fact that it's actually wrong to break into cars, you're just encouraging them expecting people to have a moral sense."

    Indeed. I view the theory that we should give pure heroin to drug users to 'stop associated crime' in the same vein...

    "I'm not."

    Good post! This one deserves a wider audience than just the 'Express'.

    "I used to respect the Police..."

    I was brought up to, and still do, to an extent. But sometimes it's hard...

  11. "I'm not sure if this is better or worse than the actions of police in other areas?"

    I thought about that 'initiative' when I read this. I suppose it's merely taking it to its logical conclusion.

    Next, plainclothes officers will be attempting false muggings if we have Rolexes on show!

    "Why would anyone want to break in and steal my collection of grotty tissues, broken sunglasses, out-of-date roadmaps and pay'n'display tickets..."

    Sounds a lot like my car, actually... :)

    "Followed shortly thereafter by a fine or seizure of your vehicle for being uninsured."

    Even if off-road now, if you haven't filled in a SORN..

  12. And they wonder why complaints are up 25%?

  13. The police are now nothing more than the paramilitary wing of New Labour. They have become the enemy.
