Saturday 10 October 2009

Another Example Of Brave Leadership...

Mrs Smith said the school had made a number of suggestions about how to resolve the issue, but that Chantelle wanted to change schools.
'The issue' being a vicious assault on one pupil by another, with the assault filmed and posted to Facebook.

You'd think this would be an open and shut case. Wouldn't you?

Apparently not:
'My priority is my daughter's safety and I don't think she will be safe in school while she is there,' said Mrs Smith.

'The school has told us they cannot control this girl, but she is getting an education while Chantelle is missing out. When I found out about it I was disgusted.'
Why are the school doing nothing?

Well, they are doing something. They are rummaging in their Big Book of Media Cliches to come up with this:
Tony Purcell, head teacher at the school, said: 'We are happy that appropriate sanctions have been put in place, but it is not our practice to give further details.

'However, Chantelle's happiness and welfare remains our utmost priority in this situation.

'As a school, we strive to ensure that there is a safe and secure environment for all of our students at all times.

'We have worked with, and continue to work with students, parents and staff to ensure that we maintain this safe environment.

'At Rivington and Blackrod High School, we will not tolerate incidents of this nature.'
But you have tolerated them...

Don't they teach English in this school? All those words mean something, Tony.


  1. I'm not a natural teacher sympathiser, but if they wanted to go on strike until they were allowed to cane children that play up and expel them where necessary, they would have my full support.

  2. If only Cahntelle and her mother would ENGAGE more fully in the processes in place allowing pupils to grerater enable themselves within a full partnership blah...blah...blah....blah...blah more gobbledegook from a new labour party apparatchick who is more on board than a titanic survivor in a lifeboat. One day he'll be dragged in front of that wall and his miserable life extinguished by one swift volley from the lads in the firing squad.

  3. "I'm not a natural teacher sympathiser, but if they wanted to go on strike until they were allowed to cane children that play up and expel them where necessary, they would have my full support."

    I think they'd have the support of most of the country. At least, I HOPE they would...

    "...more gobbledegook from a new labour party apparatchick who is more on board than a titanic survivor in a lifeboat."

    I think it must be the first session on the management course timetable...

  4. Once again, the drippy liberal mind-pox makes itself plain by the harm that it does. It confuses authority with approval and chooses approval by those who are prepared to say soothing things about them than risk disapproval by wielding legitimate authority to save children from physical harm.
    In what significant way is this [dick]head teacher different from child abusers in the results that his [in]actions have achieved?
