Saturday 10 October 2009

Scientists: Oh, It's On Now..!

Remember a few days ago it was 'Giving your child alcohol turns them into a binge drinker'?

Well, someone didn't get the memo:
Parents could help keep their teenagers away from drink-fuelled violence and sex by giving them a weekly alcohol allowance, a study has suggested.
Whoops! Bet there are some red faces at the boffin's watercooler now...

On other things, though, this bunch are singing from the same hymn sheet:
Study leader Professor Mark Bellis, from Liverpool John Moores University, said the negative impacts of alcohol on children's health were "substantial".
In fact, forget 'global warming'. It's alcohol that is the danger du jour:
In their paper the scientists said alcohol had emerged in recent decades as "one of the major international threats to public health".

There's a lot of alcohol abuse going on up the Orinoco and in Antarctica, is there?

And just wait until the NuPuritans get a load of this. There'll be heads a-poppin' all over the shop...


  1. "The booze bribe: Students who agree to sexual health tests are rewarded... with free alcohol"

    Ha! You know what they call people who give youngsters alcohol and rummage in their underwear, right?

  2. "You know what they call people who give youngsters alcohol and rummage in their underwear, right?"

    Pop stars..? ;)

    "If there's heads a-poppin' then maybe this research might help?"

    Ha! Brilliant!

    It's all unravelling faster and faster now....
