Monday 5 October 2009

I Hate To Say 'I Told You So' But...

So who will police Facebook? And how many more kids will kill themselves when their cyber friends turn nasty?

Paedophiles are using social networking sites to groom people like Vanessa George to carry out unspeakable things - is there nothing we can do? We fight to protect freedom of speech, but are we prepared for the consequences?
That's Janet Street-Porter, of all people, in the 'Daily Fail', kicking off the first round of 'Let's all blame the Internet!'...


  1. We fight to protect freedom of Janet Street-Porter, but are we prepared for the consequences?

    She has a point. I say, ban her, just to be sure.

  2. Hey, I could be persuaded to come round to that way of thinking.. ;)

  3. "We fight to protect freedom of speech..."

    I should look forward to seeing the Mohammed cartoons in the Mail, then, should I?

    Nah, thought not.

  4. I guess there's freedom of speech, and then there's freedom of speech, if you know what I mean...

    Rather like this.

  5. Was this Vanessa woman groomed or gromming?

  6. I am totally against censorship of the internet as we all know where that leads, just look at China. The government should stop this inane blanket law policy as a response to criminal behaviour and just punish criminals that are caught more severely. An example of this is the ban on carrying a knife, as its not the knife that kills but the person using it.
