Monday 5 October 2009

It's Just As Well She Didn't Ask For A Spoon To Eat It With...

Following on from this, it appears it's not just Tesco's that hires idiot staff.

Sainsbury's have a few too, and what's more, they feel inclined to tell the customers what is and is not good for them:
A pregnant woman was forced to lie and promise supermarket staff she would not eat a certain type of cheese before they would sell it to her.
Now, two things here.

One, the serving girl was wrong on the facts - the cheese Mrs Lehain wanted to buy was not the sort that has any health implications for pregnant women:
Janet Lehain asked for some Canadian Cheddar while she was shopping at Sainsbury's.

But the member of staff serving her on the deli counter said she could not have it because it was made from unpasteurised milk.
It isn't, of course. The Cheese Counter Gaulieiter was thinking of soft cheeses of the Brie and Camembert types.

But more than that, what the hell business is it of the serving girl in the first place whether she eats the cheese or not?!

Luckily, Mrs Lehain decided not to take this lying down:
In a letter of formal complaint, Mrs Lehain said: 'What followed was the most patronising encounter I have had the misfortune of experiencing in a long time and made worse by the fact it was entirely unexpected given the seemingly simple task.

'The member of staff told me how lucky my generation of pregnant women are to have such information available to them because this was not the case "in her day".

'I could only respond by saying that I thought pregnant women in the past were probably a whole lot less stressed and guilt-ridden as a result.'
I'm guessing from that 'in my day' there that this wasn't, as in the Tesco's case, one of NuLab's poorly educated morons unable to use their common sense whenever their bleeping scanner overlord incorrectly says 'No'.

This was a lady d'un certain age who had felt emboldened by the constant hectoring of the health and safety cretins and medical fascists to bring this attitude to work with her and begin hectoring the customers.

I'd have paid for that cheese at the checkout, then returned to the Cheese Gauleiter and eaten the whole lot, rubbing my belly all the while, and putting on a performance not unlike Meg Ryan's in 'When Harry Met Sally'. I might even uncork a bottle of red too...

And what did Sainsbury's have to say? Well, they did 'fess up about the incorrect info (they could hardly do anything else), but there was no mention of action taken against the Cheese Gauleiter:
A spokesman for Sainsbury's said: 'It is not our policy to refuse sale of goods on grounds that they may be unsuitable for pregnant women, although we do ask our colleagues to make customers aware if there are any safety concerns.

'Customers should always refer to the product packaging for the most accurate and up to date information. In this case, our colleague made a mistake unpasteurised cheddar does not pose a risk to health during pregnancy.'
She did indeed.

But more than that, she refused to sell cheese until she'd humiliated the customer. Is that what Sainbury's wants to see in its stores?

I hope Mrs Lehain got one hell of a lot of Nectar points in compensation...

Update: Man Widdecombe can't quite believe this isn't a 'Daily Mash' spoof either..


  1. Ha! Sounds like when I went to Boots to get some hydrocortizone cream on the advice of a GP. The oaf in Boots said I couldn't have it because I admitted I wanted to use it on my face and it wasn't recommended for facial use.

    So I said "am I supposed to trust you or my GP?". He had to think for several seconds. "Don't worry, I won't sue you" I followed up with.

    I suppose this is what DC refers to as "social responsibility" - shops not allowed to put choccy near the check-out because stupid people might get fat.

  2. I've a horrible feeling that that's just what he means too...

  3. Ah, yes. The opposite ends of the annoying shop staff spectrum are occupied by two of the horrors of C21st retailing. At one we have the brainless teen who has had as much training as most puppies get and possesses rather less initiative. At the other stands the patronising older person who is convinced that they always know more about everything in the entire universe, unless of course it involves an on screen displaying which case they will claim they're too old to get this modern stuff. If that happens they'll call for backup, which is usually from a third horror known as the disinterested cunt. Unless he's chucked a sickie in which case the obsequious little turd might fill in instead. I fucking hate shopping, and if I can't get it on the internet I'll buy it from a small company over a large one precisely because they 'get' customer service, which means so will I.

    Cheese and teaspoons..... dear God!

  4. Have I missed an outbreak of teenagers stirring each other to death?

  5. "...I fucking hate shopping, and if I can't get it on the internet I'll buy it from a small company over a large one..."

    Oh, me too. But internet grocery shopping is ok for tins and packets, but you can't beat actually being there if buying fresh meat, fish, veg and fruit.

    "Have I missed an outbreak of teenagers stirring each other to death?"

    That would be fun to see...

    I think the spoons case resulted from a mislabelled item - they'd been tagged as 'cutlery' and so prompted a 'check ID warning' at the scanner.

  6. Only crazy people eat cheese, but considering the popularity of cheese I'm unsure if it follows that the cheese has made them mad or sanity is in the eyes of the cheese eater.

    Cheese stinks and unless looked after goes off very quickly. I had some cheese once and a friend said it was lovely but then went on to have some particularly disturbing dreams.

  7. "I'd have paid for that cheese at the checkout, then returned to the Cheese Gauleiter and eaten the whole lot, rubbing my belly all the while, and putting on a performance not unlike Meg Ryan's in 'When Harry Met Sally'. I might even uncork a bottle of red too..."

    If this were to ever happen PLEASE let me know ... I will pay BIG money to be there and see it. :)

  8. "I'd have paid for that cheese at the checkout..."

    You are far too understanding.

    I'd have emptied the whole trolley out and left them to re-shelve it.

    Then I'd have left, never to return.

    People take far too much of this sh**e. A few robust reponses would maybe make the nannies think twice.
