Friday 9 October 2009

Well, What A Shock...

...can his canonisation be far behind?

Update: From the comments, Obsidian points out that at the closing date for nominations, Obambi had only been in office for 11 days!

And even Harry's Place finds this a little hard to swallow..


  1. You're kidding right? it's a Daily Mash or Onion mock up, right?

  2. WTF?!

    He's been in office for less than 10 months and, so far as I can tell, has done almost jack in that time - unless you count hugely increase America's national debt or attempting to impose a nationalised health service type arrangement on them.

    Ah, now I see...

    Asked why the prize had been awarded to Mr Obama less than a year after he took office, Nobel committee head Thorbjoern Jagland said: "It was because we would like to support what he is trying to achieve".

    "It is a clear signal that we want to advocate the same as he has done," he said.

    It's a love note.

  3. Interesting tidbit - nominations for this years Peace Prize had to be submitted by 11th Feb.

    He'd been President for 11 days at that point.

    Highlights what a steaming pile of crap the Peace Prize has become

  4. So the Nobel Prize Committee isn't racist like the IOC.

  5. Even some of his die-hard admirers are starting to wonder if this isn't going too far...

    "So the Nobel Prize Committee isn't racist like the IOC."


  6. It all went downhill when that terrorist Arafat got the prize and turned up to collect it in his military togs.

  7. "'It was because we would like to support what he is trying to achieve'."

    Remember when Bush was trying to negotiate with Iran? Remember all the support he got from the Nobel Committee?

    Oh wait.

  8. Hah! Isn't this the same prize dished out to Al "Snake Oil Salesman" Gore for saving the planet?

    I suppose that was because the Booker Prize had already been awarded that year.

  9. Is it becuz I is black? Or just not Dubya?
