Friday 9 October 2009

Youths Of No Appearance Strike Again...

...and again, it's in Croydon:
Police were involved in a violent clash outside a Croydon town centre pupil referral unit (PRU) when a fight got out of control just before midday.

One officer was attacked by up to eight youths when police were called to Croydon High Street this morning, witnesses say.
Hmm, Croydon, Croydon. Why does that ring a bell?

Oh yes!

It seems the word 'mob' is still out of favour though.
Police were called and witnesses say one officer was on the floor with up to eight youths kicking and punching him.

About 20 police officers were soon on the scene and hauled one of the youths into a nearby restaurant to get him away from the fight.
Ah, yes. 'Youths' Much more...undescriptive.
Albino Serrao, owner of Galicia tapas bar, saw the fight.

He said: "When it was going on the policeman engaged the youths then most of the youths were on top of the policeman hitting, kicking him and punching him.
Is this a regular occurrence in Croydon? The shopkeepers seem to think so:
Maureen Silverstin, who works at Walker and Cripp stockbrokers, said: "This isn't the first time this has happened, they are always fighting.

"We saw a fight down Thanet Place, four or five lads were running and taking turns in booting a boy in the head.

"It is getting to the point now where there are gangs of youths hanging about on the street intimidating people.
It's not going to be the recession and Labour's incompetence that does for high street businesses here, is it?


  1. and muggers of no appearance in Walthamstow. Well they had an appearence but the witness couldn't tell what it was.

    Mr Sillah said the two assailants looked about 15 or 16 years old, but could not remember what they were wearing or what they looked like.

    Man glassed in daylight robbery

  2. He knew their age, but not their description?!

    Still, I'm sure there's CCTV. Since it was in the middle of the high street.

  3. Well there's 2 conclusions you can draw. either/ or both

    1. They were indeed MONA's and the fact they were not descirbed as 'White' is pretty much a give away these days

    2. After realising he'd dropped himself in it, by giving his name, he hastily back tracked to avoid being stabbed up, shot or beaten the crap out of, either pre trial or post trial when they've both finished thier ASBO's , Community Service or whatever slap on the wrist is handed down.
