Thursday 31 December 2009


A priest who advised poor people to shoplift was showered with a bucket of pasta for making the remarks, the Church of England confirmed today.
Now, there's direct action, and there's direct action...
Martin Stot, 48, thought the priest's comments could encourage young people to steal and decided to take action. He told York Press: "One theft could be on their record for 10 years. It would be difficult for them to get a job. I was just offended by what he said. I thought I would make my own little protest."
What size trebuchet would be required to launch a duck house, I wonder..?


  1. And very reasonable of Mr Stot it was for using a bucket. I'd have left it in the tins.

  2. "Was he done for assault ?"

    Intestingly for the 'Guardian' it doesn't say...

    "I'd have left it in the tins."


  3. Shit would have been more appropriate than pasta
