Thursday 31 December 2009

In The Same Way The Titanic Found It 'A Little Tricky' To Stay Afloat, I Presume..?

Quotes the 'Guardian' editorial feverishly declaring that all is not really lost for Labour, honest!:
Labour's upbeat claims could prove hard to sustain...

It's over, Grauniad. The fat lady is singing for Gordon...


  1. I can't be bothered to read what The Guardian might have to say about Labour but Happy New Year to you.

  2. I read it and it definitely had an Orwellian sniff of, "Old Gordon Good... New Gordon Better" about it.

  3. Happy New Year, banned!

    " definitely had an Orwellian sniff of, "Old Gordon Good... New Gordon Better" about it."

    I suppose we can't blame them for clinging to what they know, no matter how bad it gets...
