Thursday 13 May 2010

If The BBC Plans To Remake 'Are You Being Served?'...

...they may find they need to show it after the watershed:
A 'flamboyant' menswear assistant was repeatedly stabbed by a fellow salesman after a row broke out on the shop floor.


  1. But is Mrs Slocombe's pussy still dripping wet?

  2. Since the aggressor is 20, this will doubtless be filed alongside all the other Manchester knife crime statistics despite its somewhat, er, unconventional nature.

    Yet again I stand in awe of your consistently valiant exposure of society's underbelly; 'Ambush Predator - expresses outrage so you don't have to'.

  3. @RantinRab: LOL!

    @MacHeath: Sadly, blogging the iniquities of UK society will be light for the next few days, as my router has blown a fuse! Luckily I have a few posts queued up, and there's always the iPhone...

  4. Appalling.

    The notion of a remake, I mean.

  5. You must admit that Wendy Richards was hot when she was younger, surely?

  6. MacHeath

    You want society's underbelly (Manchester edition)?

    I'm going to express my outrage now by banging my head repeatedly against the wall

  7. @staybryte: *sigh* Sorting out the judiciary & prison service is going to be a long, long job...

    @Stabby: LOL!

  8. It just won't be funny. The whole show was based around smutty and insulting innuendos!

    It won't work. The old series were made for people who actually had a sense of humour and didn't cry every time someone said something sensitive about them.
