Saturday 8 May 2010

The More Things Change...

So, exciting times ahead? Well, no. Same old, same old, it seems...

There'll still be race hustlers:
A senior black Metropolitan Police officer and anti-racism campaigner is suing the force over allegations of discrimination, it was revealed today.

Superintendent Paul Wilson, 51, said his career has been held back because of the racist views of colleagues.
There'll still be idiot judges and poorly used laws:
David Stothers, 36, of Rochdale, Greater Manchester, was given a three year community order for a sex assault in which he ordered the woman's six-year-old daughter to indecently touch him while he tried to take a photo on his mobile phone.
Police will still just arrest everyone in sight and consider it 'job done':
Describing the incident, a spokeswoman for Derbyshire police said: "A man who is 49 was at his house when another man, aged 43, knocked on the door.

"The two of them got into an argument over a littering incident, during which the 49-year-old was punched in the face.

"We arrived and arrested both of them because it was unclear who the aggressor was.

"Both have been released on bail pending further inquires (sic)."
We'll still be held hostage by unions when we just want to get out of this country for a break:
The Unite trade union is considering a 20-day walkout but is not expected to announce strike dates until Monday at the earliest. Unite must give BA seven days' notice of strike action, making 17 May the soonest possible date for industrial action.
Councils will still take long-suffering ratepayers for a ride:
A council has inspected one of its day centres following claims it is haunted.

A maintenance team was sent to the Wintern Day Centre in Fishguard to look for structural faults or anything that may explain strange events there.

A newspaper reports staff are afraid to work after hours as items have flown off walls, furniture has moved and unplugged printers have burst to life.
And 'CiF' will still consider that looney devil-spotter (and now utter failure as Green Party candidate for councillor) Beatrix Campbell is a suitable person to pontificate on child protection issues, as even other contributors point out:

So what's new?


  1. Paul Wilson, big BPA member until Ali Dizaei started shagging his missus (Naomi CAmpbell's auntie). Didn't hear much from him after that. Paul WIlson the senior black Met police officer who had a non-molestation order taken out by said ex-partner. I could go on. Race Hustler indeed.

  2. The more of this drivel I see the more I agree with Douglas Carswell/Dan Hannan's view that we ought to move to a much more localised system of selecting the officials who control law and order in our areas. We should push for elected judges and senior police officers - local voters would have a much better grasp of reality than our "elders and betters".

    I suspect it wouldn't take very long before the crime and punishment system would much more closely meet the views of the locals. Tough sentences to reduce crime and remove scum from the streets.

  3. woman on a raft8 May 2010 at 13:54

    Discrimination? Where? Only the positive sort. Bio up to 2006.

    Superintendent Paul Wilson has joined Lambeth MPS as Superintendent (Partnership) – Supt Andy Tarrant’s old position.

    Paul joined the MPS in 1979 as a clerk with the Solicitor’s Department. In 1983 he completed his initial police training at Hendon and there followed a number of postings across South London as a PC, Sergeant and Inspector. Paul was responsible for Professional Standards and Performance at Kensington and Chelsea and prior to this he served within DCC2(5) Corporate Planning Group at New Scotland Yard .

    Paul has enjoyed secondment to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister’s (ODPM) Neighbourhood Renewal Unit, where in addition to his national police liaison role he was also involved in the government’s ‘community cohesion’ work that emanated from the civil disturbances in Bradford and other northern towns during 2001.

    Paul has been actively involved in race equality issues and is founding member and past Chairman of both the Metropolitan Police Black Police Association and the National Black Police Association.

    Paul has served as a member of the Home Secretary’s Stephen Lawrence steering group and on the MPS Independent Advisory Group. Paul is the recipient of a Fulbright Scholarship and has researched community policing approaches in a number of cities across the United States.

    Paul holds a Master of Science Degree in Community Safety from the University of Leicester and is a board member for the government funded charity ENCAMS, a campaign group which aims to improve environmental quality and reduce anti social behaviour. Paul also serves as a race equality advisor to the ODPM’s Neighbourhood Renewal Unit. [Next sentence removed as family details are relevant].

    We are pleased to welcome Paul back to Lambeth and look forward to working with him in the months ahead.

    Lambeth Community Police Consultative Group. (Lambeth CPCG)

    The group which Wilson was associated with, Lambeth CPCG was chaired for years by Lee Jasper, who apparently was "a hard act to follow". Yes, I seem to remember his emails claimed as much.

    The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) funded the CPCG but in 2006 they wanted to become a charity as that would allow them wider scope. (Will see if accounts are available).

    Wonder who is appearing for Wilson at the tribunal? This is used to be Shahrokh Mireskandari's speciality but he's supposed to be out of it.

  4. Master of Science Degree in Community Safety


  5. "...big BPA member until Ali Dizaei started shagging his missus (Naomi CAmpbell's auntie)."


    "...we ought to move to a much more localised system of selecting the officials who control law and order in our areas."

    The police seem not to be in favour of this, judging by comments at Gadget's.

    They seem to feel giving the underclass a say may result in chaos.

    Well, they have a vote in the GE too, and that hasn't caused...any...


    "Discrimination? Where? Only the positive sort."

    Yes, that makes it even more of a bitter pill to swallow. No doubt his costs will be picked up, unless he loses?

    "Wonder who is appearing for Wilson at the tribunal? This is used to be Shahrokh Mireskandari's speciality but he's supposed to be out of it."

    It seems rto be a lucrative field. I don't doubt there's plenty ready to step into his shoes...


    Don't knock it! It obviously works. Out communities have never been safer, after all.

    Haven't they?
