Saturday 8 May 2010

Questions To Which The Answer Is...

...'No, not any more':

She seems to have ceased to update her Twitter page after 11:34 on Thursday too:

Funny, that. I'm sure interesting stuff must have happened after that...

Oh, well, maybe she can take her dog for a walk this morning and ruminate on why she's now cut off from the gravy train. Hope she remembers the pooper-scooper!


  1. woman on a raft8 May 2010 at 11:00

    It's a bit sad about Vera Baird as, doggy-do aside, she was one of the few MPs who had a realistic assessment of Bea Campbell. (See your previous).

    I can definitely say that in a balloon event, you should chuck Ed Balls out first, which alone shows you that something is wrong in the universe.

    As for her being Solicitor General; that's an appointment made by the the PM and he can appoint who he likes. By convention it is an MP but it need not be (as far as I know). She was Solicitor General all through the election campaign when she wasn't an MP.

    It's more a question of there is no way to un-appoint her - or anyone else - as we now have a zombie government relying on a made-up constitutional convention which was never meant to go beyond polling day.

    Baird is the Solicitor General in the same way that Brown is the PM.

    Still, sliver lining, Tony McNulty got chucked.

  2. Still, these ghastly people will come back in some overpaid and useless job, the House of Lords, a quango etc. They survive, even Oona King. She was on radio 4 today and came across as really immature but she's an opinion former....allegedly.

  3. "...she was one of the few MPs who had a realistic assessment of Bea Campbell. "

    Sadly, one swallow does not a sensible Solicitor General make.

    And I can't help feeling that had more to do with a talons-out catfight over the narrative of the legal system than with any conviction.

    "...there is no way to un-appoint her - or anyone else - as we now have a zombie government relying on a made-up constitutional convention which was never meant to go beyond polling day."

    That Chinese curse - 'May you live in interesting times' - is looking very prophetic right about now...

    "Still, these ghastly people will come back in some overpaid and useless job, the House of Lords, a quango etc. "

    Oh, I'm just waiting for her next incarnation...
