Wednesday 2 June 2010

Pretty Much The Default Attitude...

...that New Labour helped to inculcate:
A traveller yesterday criticised the council for intervening.

The man, who refused to be identified, said: 'How can they say what it's going to be before it's finished? They're in the wrong, not us.'
If you want this sort of behaviour, you need to nurture it. And for 13 years, they did.

And now it's someone else's problem.


  1. I don't get it. I thought travellers travelled. That seems to be a house.

  2. I'm neither a fan of gypsies nor of NIMBYs. Let's hope they both lose.

    Also, what Anon says.

  3. Are they Travelers or Pikeys, it's so hard to tell the difference sometimes.

    About 5 years ago we had some set up around here, it's not the most salubrious area, I think they lasted 3 days.

    They were shocked to meet a bigger bunch of thieves than themselves I think.

    I larfed.

  4. I can tell you what it won't be when it's finished. A caravan. I thought travellers/gipsys/romanys had an aversion to living in bricks and mortar (according to some politically correct left winging namby pamby). Why are they building houses when they can just go and buy one already built?

  5. "I don't get it. I thought travellers travelled. "

    It seems the name is somewhat ironic...

    "They were shocked to meet a bigger bunch of thieves than themselves I think."


    "I thought travellers/gipsys/romanys had an aversion to living in bricks and mortar..."

