Wednesday 2 June 2010

Those Who Can, Do...

...those who can't (understand how to dial 999), teach:
...although a court heard police found an open bottle of wine in her car, the mother-of-three walked free with a suspended sentence after a judge accepted her defence that she had suffered an asthma attack and only got behind the wheel to find a hospital.
Judge Dudley Bennett, you are an utter moron.


  1. 'Christopher Jeyes, defending[...]said Dean cared for a daughter suffering from cerebral palsy and herself suffered from multiple sclerosis.'

    Therein lies the reason, I would assume; the cost to social services of arranging care (and the impact on the child) might well be taken into account.

  2. @Macheath...and when she does the same thing again, but this time kills some poor sod who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time?

    SS cost not so important is it?

  3. @ JohnR

    I'm no legal expert, but it seems to me that when a judge accepts at face value a story even the defence barrister has difficulty with ('Christopher Jeyes, defending, said Dean's account of only having a couple of drinks was clearly at odds with the evidence'), there's probably more to the case than meets the eye.

  4. "...there's probably more to the case than meets the eye."

    Particularly when this judge is known to be a hard case normally.

    Still, I'd think it was setting a pretty poor precedent to allow a child to be used as a 'get out of jail free' card in this way...
