Tuesday 6 July 2010

But They Better Not Steal The Moves...

OK, not quite 'Murder on the Dance Floor', but certainly a vicious assault or two:
Detectives have released this image of two men they believe launched a vicious dancefloor rampage for no apparent reason.
For 'no apparent reason'?

Well, one commenter evidently feels there's a reason:
stropmag, Billericay says...

I wouldn't dream of commenting on a person's sexual proclivity but for these two gays to launch such an attack in the piano bar is beyond the pale. The lesbian and gay community should feel safe in their own environment. Perhaps that message hasn't yet reached the darker corners of Essex.
Hmmm, why is this not a 'hate crime', then..?
The violence erupted at about 12.15am on bank holiday Monday, May 31.
No rush, or anything....


  1. Sgt: Using harsh language at a dance you say?

    PC: Yes and it caused a few queer tears, Sarge.

    Sgt: No grenades, shotguns or knives then?

    PC: No Sarge, we're safe.

    Sgt: OK. I want an APB National search on this one, choppers ARV's - the full works, ASAP.
    Oh, and a Press release from the Brass.

  2. See? The Pope isn't even here yet and already he's causing trouble.

    Meanwhile, the non-insane amongst us are still trying to work out how gay guys attacking gay guys proves people in Essex are scum.

  3. The lesbian and gay community should feel safe in their own environment.

    Shouldn't we all?

  4. "See? The Pope isn't even here yet and already he's causing trouble. "


    "The lesbian and gay community should feel safe in their own environment.

    Shouldn't we all?"

    I did make that point in the comments under the article, which ruffled a few feathers...
