Tuesday 6 July 2010

When 'The Dog Ate My Homework' Just Doesn't Cut it Any More...

Via Mark Wadsworth, yet another in the seeming never-ending cavalcade of fake rapes:
A student has been jailed for 18 months for falsely claiming a cleaner had raped her - so she could get an extension on her university course work.
Well, as reasons go, that one's at least novel.

Let's hope this one doesn't also have a history of false allegatio...

Mr Walsh added that Adenugba had made a fictitious rape complaint against a previous partner in October 2006.
Pity the poor defending barrister, too. The best he could come up with in mitigation was this:
Walter Scott, mitigating, said his client had made the claim against Mr Ogunmola after an earlier false allegation of harassment against the same man 'didn't have the desired effect of extending her time to do her coursework'.

He added: 'She was not seeking to directly attack the victim, he was chosen rather arbitrarily.'
The police spokesthing gamely attempted to hold up the fiction, though:
Det Ch Insp Colin Paine, of Thames Valley Police, said: 'It is exceptionally rare and unusual for a malicious complaint to be made in this way. It caused significant distress to the man who was accused.'
Just who are you trying to kid, Paine..?


  1. "his client had made the claim against Mr Ogunmola after an earlier false allegation of harassment against the same man 'didn't have the desired effect"

    That's a mitigation?

  2. Edited for truth:

    'As we're increasingly having to say, It is exceptionally rare and unusual for a malicious complaint to be made in this way. It caused significant distress to the man who was accused.'

  3. Worse than that Brian...

    Mr Walsh added that Adenugba, who admitted perverting the course of justice, had made a fictitious rape complaint against a previous partner in October 2006.

    Don't alarm bells go off in Plod's head when a supposed "Victim" has previous for telling lies in similar circumstances, or has Rape been totally politicised?

    No point in answering, I think we know the answer to that one.

  4. "That's a mitigation?"

    Hard to imagine, isn't it?

    "Edited for truth:

    'As we're increasingly having to say..."

    They don't seem to realise how easily people now see through this or how it loses them even more respect in the eyes of the public...

    "Don't alarm bells go off in Plod's head when a supposed "Victim" has previous for telling lies in similar circumstances..."

    It appears not. This isn't, after all, the first time...
