Friday 2 July 2010

Clearly, Judge, It's NOT A 'Very Unusual Case'...

Thanks to C in the comments here, we have yet another unsavory little tale:
Kirstie Hodgson’s claim led to the arrest of two men, one held for 18 hours amid extensive police inquiries with high-profile media appeals.
And those precious police resources? Squandered:
Six detectives and specialist telecommunications officers were assigned to the investigation, with more police resources deployed for searches, reassurance patrols and to prevent more attacks in the area of the bogus assault.

Forensic samples were sent off costing thousands of pounds, as well as protracted CCTV inquiries, phone tracing and eliminating potential suspects, referrals to support agencies and a “comprehensive forensic strategy”.
Ouch! A veritable fortune, as well as the distress caused to two innocent men.

Clearly, this woman needs locking up help:
Judge Peter Fox QC, the Recorder of Middlesbrough, said: “It’s a very unusual case.”

He told Hodgson: “At least one man was taken into police custody for a significant period of time as a result of your dishonesty.

Whatever has happened to you, you’re not the only victim in all this. A perfectly innocent man was arrested and taken into police custody and interviewed at length. And that’s what happens when you tell lies to the police.

“You must leave this court realising that it was a very grave wrong that you did. And two wrongs don’t make a right. It mustn’t happen again.”

With few NHS resources to deal with Hodgson’s problems, the judge could only suggest her GP be given a copy of her psychological report.

“You certainly need the help, and that’s the reason why you’re not going to be punished or penalised today,” he added, passing a three-year conditional discharge.

I bet this statement was made through gritted teeth:
Detective Inspector Andy Greenwood from Middlesbrough CID said today: “Whilst we would always urge people who are genuine victims of a sexual assault to come forward, anyone who falsely reports such an assault should be aware that their actions can waste a massive amount of police time and resources, diverting officers away from genuine crimes.

“They should also remember that in some cases, a malicious or false allegation could even result in the complainant receiving a custodial sentence.”

Presumably, only in the same way that buying a lottery ticket could even result in the owner getting a massive payout...


  1. 'that' having sex? it could only be rape, no-one in thier right mind would choose to have sex with 'it' would they?

    maybe if she had a bag on her head.......or if very, very drunk ;)

  2. i was a victim of crime once, i have altered details to protect the innocent, anywho, this woman told me she loved me and then proceeded to empty my bank account, 'Alex' assured me it was for my own good and that my life would be easier now.

  3. "“They should also remember that in some cases, a malicious or false allegation could even result in the complainant receiving a custodial sentence.”

    Can we have that turned into a nice big billboard sized poster displayed prominently across the land - with a nice big bold heading "Look, even the Old Bill admits it" - might convince the "nothing to hide, nothing to fear" morons to STFU

  4. It's Peter Fox. You have to expect this sort of thing.

  5. If she was a "traveller" suffering from sexual abuse she would get her own "Safe Caravan":

  6. And Ken "Hush Puppy" Clarke wants to do away with jail time for loads more bone headed idiots who break the law like this scumbag did.?

    Clarke, you moron - in jail no-one can reoffend. The judge should take this clown off the streets and do us all a favour....and you should applaud it not try to stop it.

  7. How many false reports is that now? I have lost count.
    The problem is that she could go to another town, change her name and make another false report.
    Anyone who makes a false claim should be fingerprinted and DNA'd even if there are no proceedings.
    Then, the Court, if it gets that far, should be told whether or not the 'victim' has made previous false reports.
    That could prevent someone else's life being ruined.

    Read more:

  8. "...might convince the "nothing to hide, nothing to fear" morons to STFU"

    I'm not sure ANY amount of evidence would convince them to abandon their cherished belief that males are uniquely evil in this world...

    "If she was a "traveller" suffering from sexual abuse she would get her own "Safe Caravan"..."


    "Anyone who makes a false claim should be fingerprinted and DNA'd even if there are no proceedings."

    In most cases, they never seem to get any punishment. Maybe that would cut the repeat rate?
