Thursday 1 July 2010

Here Goes Cath Elliot Again, With Her Class Warrior Shtick…

I've been pulled up by Cif commenters a few times now for comments I've made both above and below the line in which I've employed the term "middle class" as an insult.

I could almost hear some of you groan "Here she goes again with her class warrior shtick" when I described the coming Labour leadership election (prior to Diane Abbott's last-minute nomination) as presenting a limited choice between a bunch of middle-class, Oxbridge-educated white men.
Yes, that was certainly one of the things people were saying…
The funny thing is, though, I'm never entirely sure now which class I'm even supposed to call myself any more. And I know I'm not alone in this.
You’re writing in the ‘Guardian’, sweetie. Doesn’t that give you a clue?
For the vast majority of people, well those who haven't read Marx anyway, class is increasingly defined by how much material wealth a person has, and by that definition I'm decidedly middle class.
I can feel a ‘But…’ coming…
And yet I still wouldn't describe either of us as comfortably middle class. That's mainly because I know where we both came from, and because I'm also aware of how quickly and easily all those things, those trappings of an illusory middle-class life, could be lost.
Is this a sign that the financial crisis is going to start biting at the ‘Guardian’ then?

Oh, I do hope so!

Unfortunately, it seems merely to mean that Cath Elliot hasn’t a clue what ‘middle class’ means:
We have no investments, no ISAs or bonds or any of that, and if we want or need something expensive we either have to save up for it or borrow. We've never inherited anything of any great value, and we've both had to work hard for what we've got.
And how is that somehow not ‘middle class’..?
But more importantly than all that, we both have what I suppose you could call a class consciousness, in that we're both aware of our roots, and we both know on which side of the class divide our loyalties lie.
Given that you’ve misidentified that class, I fail to see how you can claim this…
This is the key when it comes to talking about class. It's about knowing, when push comes to shove, which group or class of people has your interests at heart. And it's this that I'm referring to when I use "middle class" as an insult.

People who have never known anything but privilege and wealth, who went to private school, then Oxbridge, and who, thanks to mummy and daddy's connections, has had doors opened to them all their life, cannot possibly know what it is to be poor.

No, they are NOT ‘middle class’. Good grief!
They're the ones who get to make the big decisions that impact on our lives, and they're also the ones who we see every day working hard to ensure that their class is protected and cushioned when times get tough.
Yes, indeed. Their class. Not mine! Not yours!
It is these people I'm railing against when I talk about the privileged middle classes; people who have about as much in common with me and mine as I have with the little green men from Mars.
Errr, hold up here. Just how much do champagne socialists – of the sort who habitually write for the ‘Guardian’ – have in common with you and yours?

Case in point:
But who knows, maybe I'm being unfair. Maybe Polly Toynbee's right
Polly Toynbee? This Polly Toynbee?

Let’s all remind ourselves of the credentials of Polly Toynbee to be pontificating on privilege, shall we?


  1. Brilliant post lass,oh that bitch Tonybee gets my fucking hackles up,the epitome of the champagne socialist lecturing us proles whilst living the bastard high life,fucking hell I hate that bitch,watching that twat Littlejohn bitch slap her has made my day..cheers.


  2. Ah yes, those Working Class heroes, Tony Blair, Lord mandleson and of course dear deluded Polly.

    Now you intinctively know when you read her stuff that she is a complete idiot, but it is nice to have it confirmed by Wiki.

    Failed the 11+ eh? Tee Hee!
    Only got one crappy A level (even HRH Buggerlugs got two!) but still managed to get into Oxford.
    Hmm, wonder how that happened? Nothing to do with her Upper Middle Class connections though of course!

  3. God, I love that that video clip....:o)

  4. I'm ... aware of how quickly and easily all those ... trappings of ... middle-class life, could be lost


    We have no investments, no ISAs or bonds or any of that



  5. That Littlejohn-Toynbee clip is timeless.

  6. The thing that "class warriors" don't get is that it's all about opportunity over unearned priveledge, not wealth. Historically, this was the Conservative Party, but around the 70s, this started to change.

    When Labour was about manufacturing, and the Conservatives still supported old class structures, the old socialist class war made sense.

    But from Heath onwards, this started to change. Heath and Thatcher removed a lot of the state. Not only did this mean handouts for industry, but also priveledges of the ruling classes, who had often gained it through links to the state.

    They cut spending on the arts, took on the BBC, closed down the guilds and so forth.

    Incidentally... It's what people don't get about the BBC. The BBC is not a socialist organisation, it's a ruling class organisation and will support the party of the ruling class.

    It's why the BBC aren't that hard on Cameron - he's seen as reasonably ruling class. He's not going to close down fake charities, useless arts centres, the BBC or museums. If someone like Redwood had got the leadership job, they'd have done everything to destroy his chances of winning the election.

  7. Ta for linking to my forced gay marriage post.

    Returning to class warfare, it's all bullshit. There's the productive sector and the rent-seeking sector. Upper, middle and working class is meaningless. Public vs private sector is meaningless.

    In any event, I prefer the US American phrase 'middle class' which just means any fairly stable family which derives the bulk of its income from work or running a business and looks after its kids.

  8. Take a look at the entry about her in Unyclopedia. Says it all.

  9. "...watching that twat Littlejohn bitch slap her has made my day..cheers."

    Yes, that clip is one of my particular favourites.. :)

    "Only got one crappy A level (even HRH Buggerlugs got two!) but still managed to get into Oxford.
    Hmm, wonder how that happened?"



    Oh, quite. It's like she doesn't read back her own stuff, isn't it?

    "It's why the BBC aren't that hard on Cameron - he's seen as reasonably ruling class."

    They are noticably softer on him that on some other Tories. Norman Tebbit always comes in for a lot of unearned stick, I've noticed.

    "In any event, I prefer the US American phrase 'middle class' which just means any fairly stable family which derives the bulk of its income from work or running a business and looks after its kids."


    "Take a look at the entry about her in Unyclopedia. "

    Heh! I'm going to bookmark that for future reference...
