Monday 5 July 2010

Nice To Know They Have The Time For This...

Detectives are investigating BNP member, Charlotte Lewis, for racist comments she made on her Facebook page.

The former animal rights campaigner and BNP election candidate for Carshalton and Wallington, advocated the murder of illegal immigrants in the wake of the recent Cumbrian massacre.
Well, that's clearly not on! No-one has the right to tell their followers to go out and slaughter people in the streets.

Oh, wait:
Right-wing activist Charlotte Lewis, from Thornton Heath, wrote on her Facebook page that mass-murderer Derrick Bird should have come to London and slaughtered illegal immigrants rather than his "fellow British people".

I seem to recall when it came out that he was being investigated for tax evasion a lot of commenters pointed out that it'd have been nice if he'd taken his frustrations out on the local Revenue office instead of innocent walkers and shoppers.

Should they too expect a knock on the door from the Humour Police?


  1. The main views I'm interested in are those who hold that it's alright to break in to my house and steel my property because "you've got plenty and so it's alright to take it away from you".

    Some of the people who believe this are burglars, the others are politicians. I believe it is a form of inciting class hatred.

    When can I expect the cops to go round and investigate Vince Cable?

  2. Yet the police did NOTHING when a ....certain group called for "Beheading all Westeners", and when they call for the death of all Jews?

    Strange world we live in.

    Of course, "someone" probably threatened not to buy a Euro fighter if the above were prosecuted.

  3. Someone should tell the Police that Nulabor and their ideas were voted out.
    This was just a (silly) comment. Ignore it and it will go away

  4. "When can I expect the cops to go round and investigate Vince Cable?"

    If he starts supporting changes to their pension scheme, I think...

    "Yet the police did NOTHING when a ....certain group called for "Beheading all Westeners", and when they call for the death of all Jews?"

    Incredible, isn't it?

    "Someone should tell the Police that Nulabor and their ideas were voted out."

    It seems that cutting the head off the snake isn't the answer after all. Time to start carving big lumps out of the body too.
