Monday 5 July 2010

Oh, iDave, Your 'Big Society' Isn't Going To Please Everyone

So, a council builds a skate park. And there's a litter problem. No worries!, says a local business, we'll put in some litterbins for you, AND we'll go round and clean up any litter not placed in the bins.

Who could object to that? Well...
Council bosses have been criticised for allowing fast food chain McDonald’s to display their branding at a new skate park.

The chain’s bins could encourage sporty youngsters to eat Big Macs, fries and McFlurries, according to a concerned resident.

At least she's coming in for a lot of stick in the comments. She also turns up to defend herself, which provides even more opportunity for the readership to give their opinion of her as a whinging timewaster concerned resident...


  1. What in Gods name is a McFlurries ?

    I thought that is what you got AFTER eating a Big Mac ;-)

  2. I read it quickly and thought it said 'Spotty youngsters'
