Sunday 4 July 2010

Wy Our Kidz Isn't Speling Gud...

Seen on a Tesco shelf Friday morning. Not a hand-lettered sign hastily scrawled by a harassed shop worker - this one's been professionally printed...


  1. They just omitted " mugshot's "

  2. Even if it as grammatically correct, I find the message of the sign to be intrusive.

  3. One of the problems facing grammatical purists is that word processors pick out most errors but allow this one - and the dreaded greengrocer's (or greengrocers') apostrophe - to go unchecked.

    Hence the proliferation on product labels and notices of such phrases as 'this product with it's [sic] lavender fragrance...'; as the spell/grammar checker doesn't flag it up, the copywriter assumes it's correct and it goes to press.

    It's all part of the increased reliance on IT - a thousand years ago the British believed the Pope was infallible; now most of them believe the same of their computers.

  4. Fairs fair, we are talking Tesco here - hardly Fortnum & Mason, so the odd grammatical error must be tolerated - No?

  5. At least they aren't making spurious claims about the 'benefits' of CCTV as my local DIY store does: "For Your Safety and Security, Surveillance Cameras Operate in This Store" and "For Your Safety and Security, These Products Are Tagged."

    Blogged here.

    But they know the difference between 'less' and 'fewer', so it's not all bad.

  6. I can forgive Tesco as they actually man the tills unlike certain other supermarkets I could mention...

    Yes, Sainsbury's, I DO mean you.

  7. WFW; slightly off topic, but I overheard this gem in a coffee shop some years ago:

    "..and the girl on the checkout had a horrible big love-bite on her neck; I mean, one expects that kind of thing in Tesco's, but this was Marks and Spencers!'

  8. Hey Julia, you should check out my tesco posts at my blog. You _really_ won't believe those!

  9. Sir Terry Leahy, the Tesco CEO, recently complained about poor literacy among the nation's school leavers. He said - to paraphrase him - that his company had to pick the pieces, and teach their young recruits the 3 r's. They don't appear to doing a good job.

  10. This wuz proffesional werk what I dun four a bit on the side sex or cash innit

  11. I'm with Ross, the message of the sign is far worse.

  12. They don't appear to doing a good job.

    That should be, "They don't appear to be doing a good job". Looks like I have a few literacy problems myself!

  13. Brilliant. Did you point it out to the management?

  14. Reminds me....their Hi-juice orange squash is on at 99p or "two for £2".

    Their 'rithmatic might be suspect too, or they might just have worked out that people are conditioned by the yellow sticker and don't properly check if they are being cheated.

  15. It's ghastly, whichever way they choose to spell it. The wretched things have never yet managed to make me feel more secure.

    @ WoaR - they do the same with packs of tuna, cheaper to buy ordinary tins, but how many people can do the maths these days?

  16. A lot of your readers, and many bloggers, won't have a clue what you're talking about. Sad.

  17. "...I find the message of the sign to be intrusive."

    Yes, especially the 'for your protection' message. Er, how?

    "...word processors pick out most errors but allow this one - and the dreaded greengrocer's (or greengrocers') apostrophe - to go unchecked."

    Good point!

    "But they know the difference between 'less' and 'fewer', so it's not all bad."

    /cheer That's one that always annoys.

    "Did you point it out to the management?"

    I was STRONGLY tempted but I was in a rush.

    "Their 'rithmatic might be suspect too, or they might just have worked out that people are conditioned by the yellow sticker and don't properly check if they are being cheated."

    The latter, almost certainly. I've seen the same thing in Asda.

    "A lot of your readers, and many bloggers, won't have a clue what you're talking about."

    No, I think they will.

  18. Tesco are not alone - the latest batch of Aviva billboards feature one couple stating how glad they area Aviva BALED them out.

    Now, I'd be pretty pissy if someone treated me like some hay... If they'd bailed me out though, why then I'd be grateful!

  19. "Tesco are not alone - the latest batch of Aviva billboards feature one couple stating how glad they area Aviva BALED them out."

    Oh, how I wish I'd spotted that! That's /doublefacepalm material for sure...
