Thursday 8 July 2010

Stand Still! He's Only Playing!

Didn't I say this was an accident waiting to happen?
A wildlife park worker had a lucky escape after slipping during a dangerous game of cat and mouse with a giant Bengal white tiger.

A crowd of onlookers held their breath as the park worker narrowly escaped a mauling after falling over while running from the fearsome beast.

The dramatic scene was captured during a daily 'tiger splash' event at the Out of Africa Wildlife Park, in Arizona, U.S.
He's insanely lucky. Or, merely insane:
Gasps of horror were heard from the audience.

But Mr Harwell - who was unharmed in the incident - continued to play with the tigers.
When life hands you a 'Get out of Jail Free' card, you don't throw it back in its face, if you are wise...
The tigers who are not being trained to perform tricks at the park but are playing these games to tap into their natural instincts.
Their natural instincts to pounce on anything unlucky enough to trip and fall at their feet, that is...


  1. Totally OT, but I came across you from Inspector Gadget's blog and just wanted to say that while many retards on there seem not to love you, I agree with pretty much everything that I read of you there. Good to see someone challenging their views in their own corner of the web :D

  2. Is that a Darwin Award I see on the horizon?

  3. Dr Melvin 'Banned from most police blogs' Gray8 July 2010 at 20:27

    On the subject of wild animals, Gadget's rabble would love to maul JuliaM, were she to stumble in his cage.

    A good sense of balance usually ensures her triumphant emergence with a handful of fur. Well done.

  4. "Totally OT, but I came across you from Inspector Gadget's blog and just wanted to say that while many retards on there seem not to love you, I agree with pretty much everything that I read of you there."

    Why, thanks!

    It's not usually that bad over there; I think it's a bad time for the police at the moment, and no-one wants to hear how they may well be the architect of their own misfortune in a lot of cases.

    "Is that a Darwin Award I see on the horizon?"

    If they keep that up, almost certainly!

    "On the subject of wild animals, Gadget's rabble would love to maul JuliaM, were she to stumble in his cage. "

    The 'arming the police' crusade does seem to have brought out the worst in some of the commenters...

  5. @Julia,

    I've been reading Gadget's blog for years, and I agree with him on most things - he comes across as the kind of copper I always strove to be in my previous life. But some of the commenters seem to have gone a bit rabid with regards to civil liberties and their role of late.

    On the plus side, it was good to find you as a result, so long live the uncaring cretins :D

  6. Playing with Tigers or any big cat IS an accident waiting to happen. It will....without a doubt. This is pure circus and has nothing to do with conservation (especially as it was a hybrid white tiger). Going into enclosures with Big Cats is pure 'show off' and is totally unnecessary.
