Wednesday 1 September 2010

Can You Tell What It Is Yet?

A judge has said he would like to give the creators of the telephone “a piece of my mind” because of the trouble it can cause.
District Judge David Cooper said: “It causes so much trouble, that telephone. I don’t know who founded it, but I’d like to give him a piece of my mind.

People used to be nice and write letters to each other, now they just go on the telephone.”
OK, I may have changed something there...
He made his comments at Colchester Magistrates’ Court yesterday, after Billie-Jo Hoodless admitted assaulting Jae Flemming in a Clacton street on June 14.

The 20-year-old had been walking to a shop in Nayland Drive, the road in which she lives with her father, when she saw her ex-boyfriend, Bradley Smith, and Miss Flemming together.

The court was told Hoodless beat Miss Flemming until her father managed to pull her off the other girl.

Robert Newbould, mitigating, said Hoodless had been subjected to abusive messages left on her Facebook profile by Miss Flemming and it was this that had provoked her.
And as we all know, if you've been provooked, it's not your fault. Innit?
Judge Cooper said: “She’s been called horrid names over Facebook, which is about as humiliating as you can get, because I assume everyone sees it.

He told Hoodless: “You have been abused on Facebook and it’s unsurprising you were unable to cope with it and reacted badly.

“I’m not going to punish you – just don’t let it happen again.”

Oh, and Judge Cooper? Better hang on to any pieces of your mind you might have been thinking of giving away. I'm really, really not sure you can spare them...


  1. srsly? dude, WTF? thta judge donno what day it is

  2. Lost for words

  3. I'm not sure which I prefer ..

    Judges who are "in touch" with the modern world .. or dessicated old fogeys who need everything explaining to them ..

    That said, one has to wonder at the level of education of any Judge who says of the telephone .. "I don't know who invented it" ..

  4. Aha, another gem from Chavtown on Sea

  5. "I assume everyone sees it." - Er, No....

    I've blocked it in my hosts file to stop younger members of the family from visiting. They can bugger up their own computers, NOT mine.

  6. 'I'm sick of this, why cant you lot just stay off social network sites, stop having sex with each other and go and get a job?' j. kyle this morning!

  7. I am hoping the Judge was thinking 'Chav on Chav' when he sentenced.

  8. "I'm not sure which I prefer ..

    Judges who are "in touch" with the modern world .. or dessicated old fogeys who need everything explaining to them .."

    I seem to remember a rather funny 'Not The Nine O'Clock News' sketch on this very subject... :D

    "Aha, another gem from Chavtown on Sea"

    It would seem so. Sticks of rock and candyfloss seems to have been replaced by rocks of crack and 15 Bacardi Breezers.

    "I am hoping the Judge was thinking 'Chav on Chav' when he sentenced."

    I certainly was!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Just remember the internet can be seen by everyone. You only know a teeny glimpse of what happened. Maybe you should consider writting a positive blog about your own life then a negative one about other peoples. Did you know Billie-Jo? I do. She isn't any of the names that you've called her for all to see.
