Wednesday 1 September 2010

Ever See Two Different Stories And Think...

..'Oh oh!'..?
Millions of Britons have convinced themselves they are seriously ill or even dying - after using the internet to diagnose their symptoms, a survey reveals.
And meanwhile, over in the 'Telegraph'...
Peter Bentley invented the iStethoscope application which monitors heartbeat through sensors in the phone as just a bit of fun.

But it took off and now 500 apps are being downloaded everyday after a free version was introduced last week.
It's the perfect storm, isn't it?


  1. I'd love to reply at some length, but I'm too busy researching a mysterious and rare syndrome that I seem to have acquired. I know you won't believe it but parts of my skin appears to have changed colour after I spent an afternoon in the sun.

  2. Does this story link to the student and his DIY defibullator?

  3. To think, they say smokers, drinkers and the overweight cost the NHS money.

    No, it's the legions with nothing wrong with them that cost the NHS money.

    Stop healthy people using the NHS at once!

    (and you just know some dope is going to object to that statement...)

  4. "I know you won't believe it but parts of my skin appears to have changed colour after I spent an afternoon in the sun."

    OMG! You're Michael Jackson..? :)

    "Does this story link to the student and his DIY defibullator?"

    If they ever get the lousy power source thing fixed on the iPhone, perhaps they could make it a defibrilator?

    "'s the legions with nothing wrong with them that cost the NHS money. "

    The 'worried well' seem to be the main group in the doctor's surgery whenever I've been...

  5. I tried one of those self diagnosis websites and I found them really helpful. I worked out what was wrong with me in minutes, it turns out I have morning sickness.
