Thursday 23 September 2010

The Hierarchy Of Property... seems to go like this:

"She told me that she had no alternative but to impound the car as it was stolen and probably belonged to the insurance company who had paid out on it."
‘Hello, no one will tell me where my stolen dog is, and they all know’ Tsk!!, said the Judge, we don’t know that they are the thieves, and if they aren’t, it could infringe their human rights….and he ruled that he had no jurisdiction in the matter.
'I said, "This is my place". But he said, "This is our property and we intend to stay here unless you go to court". It made me feel ill.'

He added: 'I have been shaking ever since. I get panic attacks. It's just terrible.'

Mr Pope immediately called the council and police.

But he claims they told him the new occupants could not be evicted because they were themselves victims of a scam.


  1. Possession is 9/10th of the law.


  2. This opens up a new area for burglars - if the house is empty when they enter they call up a few mates and possess it. Must be a quid in this somehow.

  3. "Must be a quid in this somehow."

    I suspect the fact that they are Lithuanian means they are playing on the police's 'Immigrant = disadvantaged = TROUBLE' to steer away any consequences...

  4. In England and Wales squatting is to all intents a civil offence. In Scotland they are more robust: squatting is not only criminal but the lawful owners can evict the squatters without the hassle of going to court. Quite why all squatting is not a crime in E&W is lost in the mists of time although I believe squatters "rights" can be traced to the Forcible Entry Act 1381 and reinforced by the Protection from Eviction Act 1977. Accordingly, although I'm a visceral conservative (puh-lease not "Conservative") I consider it time to treat these people with the full force of the law (ie a suspended sentence and a payout from the poor-box).
