Thursday 23 September 2010

Sounds Familiar...

Ola Tedin on Swedish politics:
At the root of all this lies a total failure of Swedish establishment to discuss seriously the similarly total failure of our immigration and integration policy. On paper the best in the world, it has in reality led to a divided society with ghettoes, estrangement and a large part of the population excluded from jobs and the culture around them.
Are we sure this is Sweden he's writing about?


  1. There are whole city areas in Sweden where you do not go, if you are white, during the DAY time. (Malmö, Göteborg, Stockholm.). The danger of any, but white in particular, woman being raped is higher in Sweden than anywhere in Europe, and in a lot of third world.

    Areas in Sweden, the fire brigade have asked for ARMY escort before going in to put a fire out, which was started by the scum that make it dangerous for the FB to go there any way.

    The common link in these areas?

    Somalia, Moroco, get the idea.

  2. Sweden has appalling immigration problems but as they are mainly caused by the self-detonating community, they are all but ignored by the MSM.

    Talking of ignoring, I was amused to see these two statements in that Guardian article:-

    "...they [the Sweden Democrats] will not be given any direct influence, access to committees or any other rewards. This will of course further reinforce the Sweden Democrats' self imposed image of a victimised movement held back by a conspiracy in the media."

    "The election campaign was held as if they [the Sweden Democrats] never existed, or at least in the vain hope that they would somehow fade away if they were ignored for long enough."

    The writer needs to get his story straight.

  3. Any one can read German well, I am NOT talking about the odd news article here, SOMEONE take note, SHE knows who she is. (NOT JULIA!). I mean a whole BOOK, then try Udo Ulfkotte "SOS Abendland", "Heiliger Krieg in Europa", and "Vorsicht Bürgerkrieg". Where all these cases/examples are documented and referenced.

  4. "Areas in Sweden, the fire brigade have asked for ARMY escort before going in to put a fire out, which was started by the scum that make it dangerous for the FB to go there any way."

    In which case, I have to wonder: why bother?

    "The writer needs to get his story straight."

    That's what the comments are for.. ;)

  5. In which case, I have to wonder: why bother?


    Not only in Sweden, but anywhere with muslim scum ghettos, they are calling for the ghetto to be made "muslim only areas".

    GOOD! DO that.

    Then WE do not have to supply them with water, food, police, fire brigade, hospitals, DOLE(!), sewage, electricity, in fact ANYTHING.

    Yes. GIVE them their "muslim only" areas. Then seal them off. ONLY muslim scum go in, and NO one gets out, unless it is by request. When they can go under armed escort to the airport where they are thrown onto a hercules, which will drop them off in their homeland.
