Thursday 2 September 2010

I'm Beginning To Think I Suffer From This Myself...

Yesterday he claimed he had no option but to beg because he would struggle to survive on just his £80-a-week incapacity benefit, which he receives because he suffers from the neurological condition Tourette's syndrome.
At least, if the things I said when I read this story are any indication...


  1. Can you spare some FUCKING change? WANKER.


    Phnnt, phnnt, ghnnnnn...

  3. IMHO there can be no such thing as a happy beggar since the act renounces all self respect.

    A sad psychological twist from the begging industry involves young girls of Eastern European appearance, who approach with written messages. A well creased piece of paper with dire circumstances scribbled in poor English, invites a cash donation.

    It is difficult to refuse yet I suspect the collections find their way into the pockets of organised gangs.

  4. Some people simply beggar belief.

  5. I've got no problem with him showing some initiative and getting money from well-meaning idiots. I expect he's far less annoying than the gauntlet of chuggers I have to run in town every lunchtime.

    However, incapacity benefits, or any other ones for that matter, when he can earn a living so successfully are a farce. Why should I be forced to pay for him?

  6. Quite. And we have no option but to put him to death because he is a valueless sponging piece of rubbish.

  7. Years ago there was an old man who used to go into cafes, hold out his hand, make an unintelligible sound and touch his mouth. Most people would give him 50p just to get rid of him.
    My colleague was given the job of warning him off but when he went to the beggar's council flat, the housing warden advised the the 'beggar' had gone on a coach holiday to Spain.
    Never give money to beggars.

  8. "Can you spare some FUCKING change? WANKER."

    Yes, it's a wonder he's such a successful beggar, isn't it?

    "A sad psychological twist from the begging industry involves young girls of Eastern European appearance, who approach with written messages. "

    I've not seen that one yet. On the Tube, it's mostly women with suspiciously quiet infants.

    "I expect he's far less annoying than the gauntlet of chuggers I have to run in town every lunchtime."

    Funny, I never get approached by chuggers. Either I look like I have no money, or like I'll give them too much grief!

    "However, incapacity benefits, or any other ones for that matter, when he can earn a living so successfully are a farce. "

    Quite. I fail to see how his disability prevents him from working altogether. If it's the swearing type, then I can see why you'd not want him front of house (and if the tremor type, cocktail barman? ;)...) but there must be plenty of other jobs.

    "My colleague was given the job of warning him off but when he went to the beggar's council flat, the housing warden advised the the 'beggar' had gone on a coach holiday to Spain."

