Sunday 5 September 2010

Kill It! With Fire!

Via io9 comes news that an intrepid diver off the coast of Japan has discovered a...a...

Well, just take a look:
Apparently one of the divers who found the creature commented on how suggestive it looks, almost like a fertility god - I just can't imagine why.
If it's a new species, they're going to have fun naming it...

This being Japan, what's the betting someone decided to try a slice off the thing with some wasabi and pickled ginger?


  1. I'm suprised you havn't jumped all over this one:

  2. Give her time, Anon. She's certainly aware having commented at mine. I imagine she's worn one keyboard out through shear outrage and is taking a breather.

    And Julia, that is some disturbing shit. Like some sort of chthonic sea dildo or something. Rule 34 has no boundaries.

  3. Must be all the hormones in the water. Can Godzilla, Mothra et al be far behind?

  4. Lovecraft, thou shouldst be living in this hour!

    Fans of H. P. might enjoy this....

    w/v minvera - are we on Roman goddess anagrams today?

  5. Mummy, if Darwin was correct, what did socialist Politicians evolve from?

  6. I liked this comment: "

    I wonder what It Plans to evolve into? Another Presidential Candidate?"

  7. Not entirely removed from that notion MD ..

    But have any of the "Fuck-faced Five" reported losing anything of an "intimate" nature lately ?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. But have any of the "Fuck-faced Five" reported losing anything of an "intimate" nature lately ?

    Theresa May did. But she said later hers was made of latex, and the one the police on the lost property desk showed her had no hole for the batterys.

  10. "I'm suprised you havn't jumped all over this one.."

    AE got there first :)

    Actually, that was where I first read it!

    "Lovecraft, thou shouldst be living in this hour!"


    "...what did socialist Politicians evolve from?"

    It's far too harmless for that...

    "...and the one the police on the lost property desk showed her had no hole for the batterys."

