Sunday 5 September 2010

Shakespeare Had A Point About Those Lawyers, Didn’t He?

A teenager is suing a council for as much as £100,000 because she says she can’t make friends.
Natasha Caley-Winborne, 17, claims her life has never been the same after she tripped over in a primary school playground 11 years ago.
Ah, now it’s all clear.

No, wait, it isn’t. How is that the school’s fault?
The youngster, who is due to start college this month, said she was a six-year-old pupil at St Peter’s Primary School in Ardingly, near Haywards Heath, when she tripped on an uneven grass bank and fell on to a hard surface, hitting her head.
So, what should the school have done? Levelled off the bank? Replaced all hard surfaces with pillows and eiderdowns?

Good god, am I the only person in the world who has a genuine, no-one-to-blame-or-sue accident..?


  1. Aaaaarrrrrggghhh! That is all I can say!

  2. You cannot be fucking serious!
    In the new government were all they told us they would be, a directive would come cown from on high and put a stop to this nonsense.

  3. Just for a brief and wonderful moment I thought you were inviting pleas to spare the honest lawyer, if one could be found.

  4. Sounds like most other whiny claims, although this bit:

    She said her injuries were so bad she missed large chunks of school and had to regularly attend clinics at London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital.

    Is interesting. As a child who regularly met concrete and had more than my fair share of clatterings to the head in playgrounds, I never needed any treatment despite having mastered clumsiness to such a degree the ancient Greeks would've named a deity after me.

    So either she's talking bullshit or there is more to this than merely tripping up.

  5. The accident happened 11 years ago - why sue now? Could it be something to do with legal aid, perhaps?

    Incidentally, it is a truth universally acknowledged in education that manufactured double-barrelled surnames dramatically increase the likelihood of litigious parents - it would be intersting to know whether she is the offspring of a Caley and a Winborne.

  6. I've got to start trawling back through my memory (while it still works!). There must be SOMETHING that happened during my childhood which I can blame on someone else....

  7. @Obsidian: Second that, growing up it was more unusual for me to come home without a new bump, bruise or scrape. From the gist of the article sounds like she's a moody, clumsy cow. I hope the school win and she gets hit with a f'ing huge legal bill. Counter claim for malicious prosecution ;) .

  8. "She said the incident has left her with a catalogue of health problems including violent mood swings, severe headaches, post traumatic amnesia and difficulty forming friendships."

    So, she's suing them (sorry, us) for her being a normal, stroppy, hormone filled teenage girl then. I wonder if she's checked for halitosis...

  9. Excuse my ignorance, but I'd like to know if Shakespeare had anything to say about whining, puling crybabies?

  10. This suit is possible and doctors can get huge pay-outs for needle stick. Yet we can't even start to break up bullying and criminal networks, or sue the creeps responsible. What a great country.

  11. Natasha Caley-Winborne, 17

    Hmm. Wonder if she's going to university. I'm sure that £100,000 would come in handy.

  12. "...a directive would come cown from on high and put a stop to this nonsense."

    I think it's going to take a lot more than a directive. But then, they show no sign of wanting to halt this sort of thing anyway...

    "So either she's talking bullshit or there is more to this than merely tripping up."

    Or her symptoms are exaggerated for the damages claim?

    "Could it be something to do with legal aid, perhaps?"

    It's possible this is yet another case of the 'no win no fee' type?

    "So, she's suing them (sorry, us) for her being a normal, stroppy, hormone filled teenage girl then. "

    Sounds like it!

    "...doctors can get huge pay-outs for needle stick. Yet we can't even start to break up bullying and criminal networks, or sue the creeps responsible. "

    Indeed. Truly, a great country...

    "Hmm. Wonder if she's going to university. I'm sure that £100,000 would come in handy."

    I hope she doesn't plan to do law!

  13. JULIAM:

    "Police are far more popular than Estate Agents".

    How disappointing to read your patronising submission to Gadget. A deal which permits you to post the odd criticism there?

  14. Oo! Oo! I've got a massive bruise on my shin, my ribs are killing me. Can I put a claim in against the Buzzcocks? Or PiL? Or James? I reckon my best bet would be Bradford Council for putting on a music festival in the first place *rubs hands with glee*

  15. "A deal which permits you to post the odd criticism there?"

    Oh, I didn't expect that one to get through at all! I guess I'm no longer destined to remain in moderation limbo.

    So long as I'm not critical of the police, maybe?

    "I reckon my best bet would be Bradford Council for putting on a music festival in the first place *rubs hands with glee*"

