Sunday 24 October 2010

Oh, Cabela's, What Do You Have Against PC Gamers?

Looks like I have more than one reason now to get that Playstation (and 'The Last Guardian' is still not released, I see):

But please, developers, no climbing or bridge-balancing like last year. And especially, no pointless and skillless fishing!

Update: Here's hoping when it's released here, they make the lightgun available!


  1. You've got three - Last Guardian, to be preceded by Ico/Shadow of the Colossus HD double pack (next spring)

  2. i don't have a games console but pending your report if you're getting one, I'll wait for a bit (Jan Sales).

    Video is not working on the linked post.. I'm waiting for Guild Wars 2. I know I'm sad.. I did try WoW for a while but it's that monthly payment I don't like.

  3. " be preceded by Ico/Shadow of the Colossus HD double pack (next spring)"

    Ooh, excellent!

    "..if you're getting one, I'll wait for a bit (Jan Sales)."

    That might be a better idea.

  4. My grandson does X-box, and years back I was known to stay up all night to get him to the next level of The Simpsons. These days, I tend to stick to PC games - I can download 'trainers' that let be defeat whole Nazi armies as though expert.

  5. I much prefer PC games too - it means I'm not monopolising the TV! :)

    Sadly, most games seem to be targeted at the console market now, with far fewer getting ported to PC (even badly ported!).
