Tuesday 30 November 2010

Mad, Or Bad, Or Both..?

Ben Mawhood, 24, phoned police and threatened to shoot someone. He then pointed the starting pistol at the girl, a stranger to him, as he stood a short distance from her in Eboracum Way, off Foss Islands Road, York.
She didn't know it was a starting pistol, of course. Luckily for her, a passing motorist actually stopped his car and tackled him, restraining him until police arrive. Now there's a man (Philip Boaz is his name) who deserves a medal.
Mawhood, who had drunk half a bottle of vodka and taken illegal drugs, had two knives on him, and police later found a weapons hoard, including another imitation firearm, at his flat.
It turns out that, once again, as so often in these cases, there were plenty of warning signs:
In the months leading up to the incident, Mawhood had absconded from a mental health hospital and though he had later surrendered himself, he had been aggressive and smashed windows there, the judge said.
Indeed, so odd was his behaviour, the worried parents (and some NHS staff) were considering the ultimate sanction:
Defence barrister Nicholas Barker said that on May 3, Mawhood’s mother and community psychiatric professionals were so concerned about his behaviour they had discussed sectioning him under the Mental Health Act.
Unfortunately, that discussion never materialised into action. But surely, now he...

Two psychiatrists consulted by the defence declared Mawhood’s mental condition did not require him to be sectioned under the Mental Health Act, so the judge passed a prison sentence.
Three years. That’s what he got. And he’ll probably serve half that, if we’re lucky.

And, presumably, no treatment, unless on a voluntary basis?


  1. Well done Mr Boaz. Not so well done the judge who seemingly took the defence witnesses word for it that this bloke wasn't dangerous.

    Odd how most nutters look exactly like nutters, isn't it?

  2. How about naming the judge that gave this crim bail?


  3. How about naming the perjuring criminal that gave this criminal bail?

  4. I wonder why the Gadget-Knacker axis always present these incidents as undetectable in advance, and jeer 'Captain Hindsight' at anyone who notices the string of warnings after the event?
    None of these cases ever comes from nowhere like a comet to the dinosaurs. There is always a trail. I suspect it leads back to a pack of bureaurats on monkey-dust!

  5. "How about naming the judge that gave this crim bail?"

    Oh, FFS!

    "I wonder why the Gadget-Knacker axis always present these incidents as undetectable in advance, and jeer 'Captain Hindsight' at anyone who notices the string of warnings after the event?"

    To be fair, they do object - sometimes strenuously - and make their feelings known when they think the judge or magistrate has got it wrong.

    But what else can they do?
