Tuesday 30 November 2010

Signs That The War On Drugs Is Failing…

A woman says she fears for the safety of small children after a fox attempted to snatch a bag of pills from her hands as she walked along the street.
Ruthless, strung-out junkie foxes. Undoubtedly brought up in a single-vixen den…
Mrs Buckingham said: “I have never been afraid of any animal with four legs, but that put the fear of God in me.”
Well, quite! Would you like to swap places with the people of Churchill, Mrs Buckingham?


  1. She needs to get in with a herd of cows and calves now and again and she would soon learn to fear every animal on four legs.

  2. The worst ones are the foxes strung out on PCP (Angel Dust) I put 5 rounds in to one from my M4 and he kept coming

  3. Best get the vixen squad onto that one.

  4. My cat can have a fox ,wimp.

  5. If she's really hard, she'd take her dog for a walk through a field of cows with calves.

  6. "Single vixen den" - Inspired.
    She'd be afraid if a heffalump tried to make off with her cream bun.

  7. I'd have followed the fox back to the ferrets and weasels up at Toad Hall and nicked the lot of them.

  8. "She needs to get in with a herd of cows and calves now and again and she would soon learn to fear every animal on four legs."


    "I'm sure it was the Crack Fox"


    "I'd have followed the fox back to the ferrets and weasels up at Toad Hall and nicked the lot of them."

    Is that a typo? Didn't you mean 'Town Hall'..? ;)

  9. LOL - same place round here.
