Wednesday 1 December 2010

No, We’re Going To Need Much More To Go On Than That….

PC Ruth Atkins, of York Police, said: “While most of the passengers on the buses were schoolchildren there were a number of adults on the service bus at the time. I am sure that they will remember the incidents, especially the one that occurred on Monday, as the groups of children were shouting and using offensive language.”
You’ve clearly never been on a bus (or any other form of public transport) with a group of schoolchildren lately, have you, PC Atkins?

Because, trust me on this, that’s hardly an unusual occurrence…


  1. School bus times are no go times for my mates if they can't afford a taxi. It's less fuss to take my grandkids to school than deal with 'bus incidents'. The WPC should get out more - though if cops did, maybe kids would not be all over buses like American Indians to bacon on a wagon train?

  2. Good grief, JuliaM - decent police officers must be able to do something right.

    Barring a Gadget censorship moment, permit me to applaud WPC Ruth Atkins.

  3. Nice one Melv, I'm glad she is able to deal with this sort of thing. What she would do with the regular behaviour of 'the kidz' on buses down in Sarf Eest Lunnun, even as far out as Orpington and Bromleee as the News Shopper regularly reports, Gawd only knows.....nah, she'd give up, there's better things to be getting on with.

  4. You are not safe from kidz in the back of buses even when you're driving.

    I have been treated to a variety of V signs from the back seat of the bus in front of me while going somewhere. I usually wave and smile as they really don't need to know what I'd do to them if I was still there when the bus stopped and they had to get off.

  5. "The WPC should get out more - though if cops did, maybe kids would not be all over buses like American Indians to bacon on a wagon train?"

    Well, the ticket inspectors never seem to do much on my line, that's for sure!

    Complaints to any school where the offenders wear a noticeable uniform go unanswered.

    "Barring a Gadget censorship moment, permit me to applaud WPC Ruth Atkins."

    Nah, you have to do something really, really awful to get deleted here. Don't take that as an encouragement, mind!

    And applaud her for what? Living in an area where this WOULD be out of the ordinary? I'm jealous!

    "What she would do with the regular behaviour of 'the kidz' on buses down in Sarf Eest Lunnun, even as far out as Orpington and Bromleee as the News Shopper regularly reports, Gawd only knows..."


    "I usually wave and smile as they really don't need to know what I'd do to them if I was still there when the bus stopped and they had to get off."

    The little darlings round this way took to pegging cans out of the top deck at passing motorists. The driver is supposed to have mirrors up there to see what they are doing, but maybe, like inconsiderate CCTV on 7/7, they weren't working?
