Wednesday 1 December 2010

Play Nicely! Don’t Make The Police Come Down There, Children!

Deputy council leader, Stephen Horgan, reported campaigner Phil Jacobs, to the police over comments made to him during a private meeting a fortnight ago.
Slander? Death threats?

Nope! Voting intentions:
Mr Horgan complained to police the campaigner had warned if the council did not drop its plans to sell the site to developers, his group would ensure the ruling Tory administration was voted out of office.
And that necessitated a call to the police..?
Mr Horgan claimed: “What we had here was a mixture of bribery and threats. It was a case of you do this, or we do that.

“I admit I got angry and left the room. I’m astonished someone who did what he did would take this forward.

“I slapped the table immediately after he told me I was talking rubbish. I think that was justified.”
Clearly, you shouldn’t be allowed out on your own, unless accompanied by a responsible adult…

Mind you, there’s a lot of it going about:
Mr Jacobs has also lodged an official complaint against councillor responsible for finance, Phil Turner, for telling someone to “shut up” at a council meeting.
At least this time, he’s just wasting the council’s standards board’s time, and not that of the police.
A police spokesman said: “Police were contacted at 10.50am on the Wednesday with a report of concern regarding comments made at a recent council meeting.

“An officer spoke with the informant and advised him the actions to date did not constitute a criminal offence.

“He did, however, advise the complainant to contact police should anyone become hostile in future.”
‘Hostile’ not to be defined as ‘Sir! Sir! He’s giving me funny looks/throwing paper balls/copying my answers!’…


  1. Julia - You must have made a mistake this time. You seem to be saying he called the police because someone told him to shut up.
    No one would ever do that.
    Surely? Would they? Oh FFS!!

  2. Well, I guess that kills the myth about Dave's Nu Tories being just a little entitled.

  3. "No one would ever do that.
    Surely? Would they? Oh FFS!!"

    Beggers belief, doesn't it?

    "Well, I guess that kills the myth about Dave's Nu Tories being just a little entitled."

    Oh, iDave's new tories are, as far as I can see, like an unholy marriage of the worst of the Tory party, Limp Dum party AND Labour combined! It's like some horrible chimera from a bad SyFy Channel movie of the week...
